WarcraftPets has come a long way since its first birthday. Over the past year, we've added:
- several new guides
- community comments
- member messaging
- pet collecting statistics
- complete coverage of the Wrath Beta
- the WarcraftPets Store
Blizzard also recognized our contribution to the WoW community by immortalizing my in-game alter ego (and the host of this site), Breanni, as the <Pet Supplies> vendor in Dalaran. In turn, this sparked more publicity through interviews and even a radio spot. Consequently, the number of members has grown tenfold, from roughly 4,000 last April to nearly 40,000 today. This prompted the need for additional site admins and I'm grateful for their help each and every day.
We'd like to thank the fans of the site for our success, especially our MVPs, who've donated their time and money to help support the site. Next year promises to be another exciting one for pet collectors. Patch 3.1 brings us more pet goodies than any other patch or expansion to date. What's more, we now know for certain that Blizzard is watching this site and responding to the pet collecting community. What was once just an in-game passtime has become, for many, the main reason to play.
Three cheers for vanity pets and the joy they bring: WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!