We'll add this pet to our database as soon as possible.

Patch 10.2.5 is live this week. Participate in a new public event that rewards two pets! [source]
New Pets
There are only a couple of known collectible pets in the latest patch. However, datamining has revealed some battle pets that might be available in the future.

- 1 holiday pet
- 2 achievement pets
The Lovely Duckling (pictured right) is currently listed as part of the Noblegarden in-game holiday, but with a name like "Lovely" it's a wonder how this adorable pet isn't from the Love Is In the Air event. We'll have to wait and see how we'll collect this one!
There are two achievements that reward pets in 10.2.5 (note: achievements might be time-gated). Both are tied to the new outdoor public event, Azerothian Archives. Learn more about this event here.
Check out new pets in 10.2.5!
Datamined Pets
We'll add these datamined pets to our database once more information is revealed. In the meantime, here's a brief preview.
- 2 promotional pets
- 4 Trading Post pets
Hoplet is currently listed as from the Blizzard Store. This pet shares the name with a previous 6 month subscription reward that was originally only collectible on Classic realms.
The second promotional pet is Sarge, likely collectible during the Hearthstone 10th Anniversary crossover event (March 11, 2024 - March 18, 2024).

The last four datamined pets, Beetriz, Buggsy, Nelle, and Teele (pictured above), are listed as future Trading Post pets.
Pet Charm Update
Still have a hoard of Shiny Pet Charms, and are unsure what to do with them? Good news! Shiny Pet Charms will be turned into Polished Pet Charms in 10.2.5. [source]

And just as another small bonus, Polished Pet Charms now stack to 5k (up from 1k). More inventory space for... more Pet Charms?