UPDATE #2: A hotfix was released (May 10th) for Gerald. Those that have yet to finish the Family Battler achievement will receive this pet upon completion. For those that earned the achievement prior to this hotfix, Blizzard is still working on a solution to properly reward players. [source]

Ready to collect new pets and defeat new trainers? The latest content patch is live this week! [source]
New Pets
We know of 37 new collectible pets in 10.1, but many more were datamined during the PTR cycle. It's possible we'll discover a few more later down the road.
Here is a summary of battle pets currently available in the patch. The majority will come from a new zone, Zaralek Cavern.
- 14 wild pets
- 9 pets from drops and treasures
- 4 quest rewards
- 3 achievement pets
- 3 vendor pets
- 2 Renown pets
- 1 promotional pet
- 1 from an unknown source
Check out new pets in 10.1!
Which battle pet are you most excited to collect? Which datamined pet do you hope to see in the near future? (The correct answer is: "All of them" ...but we might be a little biased.

New Battles
4 new trainers can be found in Zaralek Cavern. Completing all of these with a full team of level 25 pets will reward the achievement, Battle in Zaralek Cavern.

Need help creating teams for this achievement? Check out Xu-Fu's Family Battler of Zaralek Cavern page for some tips and inspiration.