Trading Post
A new feature, the Trading Post, is being added on February 1st, 2023. [source]

Among these items are new battle pets! At the moment, only one pet has been confirmed, Garrlok (pictured right), an adorable baby ogre.
However, there are a number of datamined pets with their source listed as the Trading Post (pictured and listed below, Crushhoof and Watcher of the Huntress not pictured). We may see them in future reward rotations.

- Buttercup
- Buzzworth
- Crushhoof
- Drazka'zet the Wrathful
- Egbob
- Lil' Maka'jin
- Pippin
- Watcher of the Huntress
Which pet are you looking forward to the most?
New Primal Storm Event

Every 5 hours players can join in the efforts to push back the Primalists in Thaldraszus. Earn 105 Essence of the Storm from this event, plus 1500 Elemental Overflow, to purchase the Time-Lost Vorquin Foal pet (pictured right).