From December 9th 12:00am PST through December 13th 02:59pm PST, watching a Dragonflight Twitch stream four at least four hours will reward the adorable Cenarion Hatchling! [source]
To be eligible, make sure to connect your Twitch account to your account.
How to:
1. Go to and make an account if you don't already have one.
2. Go to and find the section for Twitch. Select "+Connect" and follow the instructions to connect your Bnet account to your Twitch account.
3. Make sure you're logged into your Twitch account and start watching live Dragonflight streams during the time period noted above.
Happy collecting!
December 2022 « Archives | Current News »
Dragonflight Pet Collecting Achievement Changes
December 16, 2022
Blizzard recently made some changes to the new pet collecting achievements introduced in Dragonflight.

These changes come after an Annie Fuchsia interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. During the interview it was noted that achievements that are not yet obtainable shouldn't be included unless they can actually be earned by players.
Now that these achievements require a lower number of unique pets, more players will reach the necessary requirements for the following pets sooner:
If Blizzard sticks to their philosophy of not adding unobtainable achievements, it could be some time before we see the 2k pet collecting achievement again. But we can't help but wonder if it will be updated and have a new reward. We'll have to wait and see.

- Many More Mini Minions (1200 unique pets required, down from 1250)
- Proven Pet Parent (1400 unique pets required, down from 1500)
- What Can I Say? They Love Me. (1600 unique pets required, down from 1750)
Good Things Come in Small Packages(2k pet achievement removed) - pet reward:Mister Muskoxeles(pet removed)
These changes come after an Annie Fuchsia interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. During the interview it was noted that achievements that are not yet obtainable shouldn't be included unless they can actually be earned by players.

- Crystalline Mini-Monster (pictured above, left)
- Secretive Frogduck (pictured above, right)
- Violet Violence (pictured right)
If Blizzard sticks to their philosophy of not adding unobtainable achievements, it could be some time before we see the 2k pet collecting achievement again. But we can't help but wonder if it will be updated and have a new reward. We'll have to wait and see.
Dragonflight Hotfixes: Jingles, Bakar, Ohuna
December 20, 2022
This week's hotfixes include updates to Jingles, Bakar Companion, and Ohuna Companion. [source]
A Festive Pet
Blizzard has released a fix for Jingles' holiday accessories. Previously, only some players received a version of this pet with a candy cane and wreath. Hopefully with this latest update, all players will get to enjoy this baby raptor's festive appearance.
"Jingles should now have a chance to show up with his wreath and candy cane on summon, instead of being locked into an appearance."
The Hunt For Pets
Included in this week's hotfix are sources for two mysterious Dragon Isles pets — Bakar Companion and Ohuna Companion.

"The first three Centaur Hunts each week now have a chance to award a Bakar or Ohuna battle pet."
Make sure to join in the Centaur Grand Hunt Events for a chance at these good boys/girls!
A Festive Pet
Blizzard has released a fix for Jingles' holiday accessories. Previously, only some players received a version of this pet with a candy cane and wreath. Hopefully with this latest update, all players will get to enjoy this baby raptor's festive appearance.
"Jingles should now have a chance to show up with his wreath and candy cane on summon, instead of being locked into an appearance."
The Hunt For Pets
Included in this week's hotfix are sources for two mysterious Dragon Isles pets — Bakar Companion and Ohuna Companion.

"The first three Centaur Hunts each week now have a chance to award a Bakar or Ohuna battle pet."
Make sure to join in the Centaur Grand Hunt Events for a chance at these good boys/girls!
Season's Greetings from WarcraftPets
December 23, 2022

Happy holiday wishes from all of us at WarcraftPets! Have a safe and wonderful season, and a joyous Feast of Winter Veil!
Thank you for continuing to support WarcraftPets over the years. We wish everyone a prosperous and pet-filled 2023!

About the Artist: Ooghra (Erin Gomez) is a long-time pet collector and WarcraftPets user. She's a talented graphic artist and we've previously featured her amazing creations in our 2016 April Fool's and Pet Battle Royale series!
Tis' the Season

Looking for the perfect in-game gift for friends, family, or even yourself? Blizzard's annual Holiday Sale is going on right now — adopt battle pets at a discounted price! [source]
Two battle pets, Lil' K.T. and Pandaren Monk (pictured below), will be retiring from the Blizzard Store on January 2, 2023. This means they will not be purchasable from the shop soon.

Although Lil' K.T. and Pandaren Monk will be disappearing from the Blizzard Store, these pets will make an appearance in the upcoming Trading Post in-game feature, so they won't be gone forever.