Interested in collecting companion pets in Wrath of the Lich King Classic? We've added a pet filter that might help!
Head over to our Pet Filters page and select "WotLK Classic" toward the bottom of the drop down menu. Make sure to have "Include" and then press apply to see all the WotLK vanity pets. Note: some pets listed won't be available until future content patches.
Check out WotLK Classic pets
Happy journeys and adventuring in Northrend. Don't forget to take your favorite companion with you!
Fish[ing] For A Pebble
We've added a unique companion pet to the list: Pebble (pictured right), a cute little penguin that's exclusive to WotLK Classic.
To collect Pebble, players need to purchase either the Northrend Heroic or Epic Upgrade from the Blizzard Store. Once the upgrade is applied, the pet can be redeemed from an innkeeper in a capital city on Classic realms. It cannot be acquired on Retail servers.
Pebble has a couple of fun interactions, with one requiring fishing in Northrend. If you're lucky, you might just receive a special Glowing Pebble from... well, Pebble! Check out the Notes section of this this pet's page to learn more about its unique interaction and related Feat of Strength achievement.
Due to its exclusivity, we've added this pet to our database for reference and viewing purposes only. It will not appear when re-importing a collection to WarcraftPets. Pebble is not listed under "Collected" or "Wanted", and does not count toward the overall pet total or WarcraftPets PetScore.