We've added these new pets to our database, however their pet pages are still a work in progress, thank you for your understanding and patience.
Dragonflight Battle Pets
Pre-orders for the upcoming expansion are now available, and there's not one but two possible battle pet rewards! [source]

The first pet is Drakks (pictured above, left), a little drakonid. This pet will respond to a number of player emotes, and even comes with its own little bird mount (pictured right).

The second pet is Murkastrasza (pictured above, right). Although technically a murloc, she's still a Dragonkin at heart (watch out for her little flame breath).
Murkastrasza is the gift for purchasing the Dragonflight Heroic Edition (in addition to Drakks if pre-ordered).
New Store Pet
With the new expansion just around the corner (release date TBA), we'll be leaving Shadowlands Soon™.
There are many battle pets to collect to help remind players of their journey through the realm of the afterlife. But if you're looking for one that has especially unique ties to Shadowlands, check out the latest addition to the Blizzard Store.
Featured in Shadowlands Afterlives: Ardenweald, Ursoc was once a formidable demigod on Azeroth. After falling in battle the Ancient Guardian's soul was transported to Ardenweald, where it waited patiently to be reborn. Unfortunately, this never came to pass, and we had to say goodbye to the Bear God. Not all is lost, however.
Players can now adopt Lil' Ursoc (pictured right) from the Blizzard Store as a small reminder of what was lost (and gained) during their adventures through Shadowlands.
Blizzard Summer Sale

The annual Summer Sale is here - Adopt battle pets from the Blizzard store at a discounted price. [source]
Not including Lil' Ursoc, all pets are 50% off. This includes a few CE pets from previous expansions:
- Mists of Pandaria - Lucky Quilen Cub
- Legion - Nibbles
- Battle for Azeroth - Tottle
This sale ends July 4. Don't miss out on collecting some new adorable companion friends!