Patch 9.1 PTR opened this week, and we got our first preview of what's to come in the next major content patch, Chains of Domination. [source]
To start, there are new pets, the removal of the Pet Journal cap, and there changes to a couple of existing abilities. As this is the PTR, and we're only at the start of testing, everything is subject to change.
New Battle Pets
There are currently 46 new pets coming in Patch 9.1! Will there be more? We'll have to wait and see.
Many of the pets are still incomplete and Works In Progress, however we do know there will be new wild pets to capture from the new zone (Korthia), The Maw, and the new Mythic-only Mega-dungeon (Tazavesh, the Veiled Market). Expect some dropped pets, and there are even a few pets that will have an interesting source.

A Broker in Oribos has 4 new pets for sale. One pet (pictured above, far left) has a staggering price tag of 10k Polished Pet Charms, so better start saving up!
The other three pets currently have a unique cost - grey items. It would seem this vendor is open to bartering. One of each item is required to buy all 3 of these new Baubleworms.

- Ground Gear, Robble's Wobbly Staff, Very Unlucky Rock
- Rotting Bear Carcass, Dark Iron Baby Booties, The Stoppable Force
- Rabbit's Foot, Large Slimy Bone, A Frayed Knot
It's unclear if these are merely placeholder currencies, or if we'll truly be hunting for "junk" items to trade in. Game Developer Jeremy Feasel (aka: @Muffinus on Twitter) recently requested a list of players' favorite poor, common, or uncommon quality items in WoW, but that couldn't mean anything...could it?
Patch 9.1 PTR - 46 New Pets
Check out the full list of upcoming battle pets. We'll keep this list updated as more information is added to the PTR.
Pet Journal Cap Removed
Pet Journal feeling full? Stressed about having to hold off on collecting until the next journal increase? Good news, everybody!

In Patch 9.1 the Pet Journal cap will be removed. Collect as many or as few battle pets as you please! Note that there will still be a maximum of 3 duplicates per non-unique pet.
This is wonderful news for many collectors and battlers alike. Different colors, sizes, and breeds? "Gotta catch them all!" We're one step closer to realizing that statement.
Both items that previously increased the Pet Journal size will also become nonfunctional (removed), as they won't be necessary anymore. Our recommendation is to hold off on purchasing these items if you haven't already (save those Polished Pet Charms for that 10k pet), unless your Pet Journal is bursting at the seams and cannot hold out until Patch 9.1.
Ability Adjustments
Two pet abilities will be changed in 9.1, Explosive Brew and Sticky Grenade.
The updated tooltip removes the "This damage cannot be dodged, blocked, or avoided." portion, and the damage of each ability has been increased.
We're only at the beginning of the PTR, so it's possible there will be more changes in the future. Stay tuned for updates and previews of pets and Pet Battle content coming in Patch 9.1.