It's a wrap for
BlizzConline this year! With the current state of the world, it was a brief moment of respite watching previews of upcoming games, seeing fun community events, and reliving moments from previous BlizzCons.
There were some notable pet-related announcements, including two charity pets, plus teasers of new battle pets coming in Patch 9.1.
World of Warcraft Charity Pet Program

Blizzard announced not one but two upcoming charity pets! [
Unlike previous charity events, this World of Warcraft Charity Pet program will be a little different. Donate any amount directly to Blizzard's charity of choice and help reach a pre-set goal. Once that goal has been met, everyone will receive a pet! If the community manages to reach a stretch-goal, a second pet will be unlocked and awarded.
For the first Charity Pet program, players will be able to donate to
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), a medical humanitarian aid organization.
Upon reaching a to-be-announced donation goal, the pet
Bananas (pictured left) will be awarded to everyone. This battle pet was initially released as part of the
Through the Dark Portal WoW TCG set, which has since been discontinued. Bananas is currently obtainable in-game only through the Auction House/direct trades or rarely on the Black Market Auction House.
If the community reaches a stretch-goal, everyone will also receive
Daisy the Sloth! This adorable sloth will have a unique interaction — she'll hang onto your back so you can carry her with you as you adventure through Azeroth, Shadowlands, and beyond.
(pictured right)
Donation goals have not been announced yet, nor how players will be able to donate specifically toward each goal. We'll have to wait for a future announcement from Blizzard for details.
We're eager to learn more, and can't help but wonder what other limited-time or promotional pets might be part of this WoW Charity Pet program in the future. Which pets would you want to see made available again through this program?
Chains of Domination
What would a major content patch be without some battle pets to collect? In Patch 9.1 we'll see a number of new pets from multiple sources. [
The Maw
We'll be returning to The Maw for more activities, and what else? More battle pets to collect, of course! Who wouldn't want their very own Minion of Domination?
(pictured below, far right)
New Zone: Korthia
Although it wasn't explicitly stated, the new zone, Korthia, will probably have a few critters wandering around. What strange new creatures will we encounter?
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Last but not least, we'll be heading into the mythic-only mega-dungeon, Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. The Brokers, seemingly collectors themselves, will have some interesting pets for us to obtain
(pictured below, left).

Will these pets be wild? Or will some Brokers need some *ahem* convincing to relinquish their unique wares?
Patch 9.1 currently does not have a release date, however it's likely we'll see more information on this major content patch after Patch 9.0.5 is released (scheduled for March of this year).
Thank you to Blizzard for holding this unique virtual convention. Being able to gather together from a distance and celebrate games we all adore was a nice distraction during these turbulent times. We can't wait to learn more about the Charity Pet program as well as Patch 9.1!