Visions of N'Zoth is live this week, and it adds many new battle pets, a new Pet Dungeon, and more. [
New Pets
Patch 8.3 offers
33 new pets to collect! Here's a summary.
- 7 drop from Horrific Visions
- 5 drop from bosses in the Ny'alotha, the Waking City raid
- 5 drop from rare mobs that spawn during Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossom invasions
- 5 new wild pets found during invasions in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- 3 purchasable from the new Blackrock Depths Pet Dungeon vendor (pictured above)
- 2 purchasable from two new faction vendors
- 2 drop from the new faction paragon caches
- 1 can be fished up during the new invasions
- 1 achievement reward involving Horrific Visions
- 1 world drop while inside the Vision of the Twisting Sands scenario
- 1 quest reward (more information below)
Check out all 33 new pets!
We're in the process of updating pet profiles. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
New Pet Dungeon
The next pet dungeon is here — ready to check out what's waiting inside
Blackrock Depths? What on Azeroth have the Shadowy Figures been up to?

To be eligible for the Blackrock Depths Pet Dungeon, you'll need to have completed the previous 4 pet dungeons on at least Normal difficulty.
Speak to Tizzy Gearjolt in Boralus or Radek Fuselock in Dazar’alor once you're ready to begin your journey into Blackrock Depths.
Similar to previous pet dungeons there is a Normal mode and Challenge mode, both with multiple stages (9 stages in total).
- Stage 1 - The Lair of Shadows
- Stage 2 - The First Challenger (defeat Horu Cloudwatcher)
- Stage 3 - Uncaged (defeat 1 of 3 possible opponents)
- Stage 4 - Futile Resistance (defeat Therin Skysong)
- Stage 5 - Desperate Measures (defeat 2 of 6 possible opponents)
- Stage 6 - They Have a new Plan (defeat Alran Heartshade)
- Stage 7 - Smash it Up (defeat Zuna Skullcrush)
- Stage 8 - The Final Countdown (defeat Tasha Riley)
- Stage 9 - They Spent Years on That? (defeat Pixy Wizzle)
You'll be facing level 25 epic
Elite pets, plus one legendary level 25
Boss pet. Enemy pets include pets from all families, so a collection of varied pets is recommended.
Don't forget to speak with Tasha Riley inside the instance once you've completed the pet dungeon. There's a neat reward, if you should choose it.
Completing the Challenge version of this pet dungeon will complete the
Pet Battle Challenge: Blackrock Depths achievement and reward you with the
Shadowy Disguise toy. Now you can be the Shadowy Figure and
cause mayhem using battle pets look awesome!
This achievement will also complete the meta-achievement,
The Shadows Revealed, which rewards the
Mayhem Mind Melder toy. If you've ever wanted the vanilla hunter ability Eyes of the Beast but for companion pets, now is your chance.
New World Quests
Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms have been updated for max level players that progress the main story and unlock invasions. New dailies, creatures, and wild pets will be featured in these zones.
New World Quests will also be part of the updated areas. There will be
8 new Pet Battle World Quests in the two zones under assault. [
Battle against level 25 legendary quality (tiny) minions of N'Zoth
(example pictured left), and complete their associated World Quests for rewards and reputation.
Note that previous pet trainers (Aki the Chosen, No-No, and Obalis) have been moved from their original spots in invasion zones. If you don't want to track down their new locations, you can always speak with Zidormi to phase to the previous version of Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Raising A Hatchling
A lengthy quest chain is available that rewards fun cosmetic items, including the
Shadowbarb Hatchling battle pet.
Begin your journey as a void insect parent by heading to Uldum after progressing the story far enough to unlock invasions. Travel to the south-west corner, near Ankhaten Harbor, and you'll find an egg with a quest,
The Incredible Egg.
Once you've started the quest chain, it will take roughly 22 days of quests and dailies before your hatchling is ready to join your side as a companion pet. Continue nurturing your baby void insect for additional rewards such as a toy and matching mount.
Check out
Xu-Fu's Shadowbarb Hatchling guide for more details and information.
Pet Battle Changes
Certain weather abilities are receiving a buff in this patch, plus a new weather type was also added. [
- Blizzard - Now also increases all elemental ability damage by 25%.
- Mudslide - Now also increases all critical damage dealt by 25%.
- *NEW* Toxic Fumes - Increases the duration of all hostile damage over time effects by 1 round. All pets are considered Poisoned while Toxic Fumes is active.
Additionally, some changes were made to Pet Battle content on Nazjatar and Mechagon, plus the new WQs and wild battles in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Encounters in these zones will scale to the highest level pet on your active team.
With many new pets comes some new abilities. 11 abilities were added for battlers to experiment with. We look forward to seeing what interesting strategies players come up with!
Last But Not Least
Looking to keep these void-pets under control? What better way than with a fun new toy, the
Void Tendril Pet Leash! It can be purchased from the new Uldum Accord faction vendor once you've reached Honored reputation.
Finally, a quick reminder that Blizzard has implemented API changes that could impact WarcraftPets accounts. Learn more about what the changes are and steps you'll need to take to keep your collection active on the WarcraftPets leaderboards.
Blizzard API changes and how it affects WarcraftPets
We hope you're as excited about all of the Patch 8.3 Pet Battle content as we are. Put on your Safari Hat, gather up pet treats and your best companion friend, and adventure into Visions of N'Zoth!