We're happy to announce that we've added a new pet filter to help adventurers find and collect all of the fun and cute Classic vanity pets!
Simply head to our Filter Pets By... page and select the 'World of Warcraft Classic' filter, Include, and then Apply Filters. Browse through
Check out the Classic pets filter
Note that the 'Classic' filter is separate from the 'Vanilla' filter, as shown in different tooltips. Sources for pets have changed over the years — the 'Vanilla' filter will reflect current Retail (BFA) pet sources. Meanwhile, the 'Classic' filter will have tooltips with information relevant to Classic WoW.
The Classic filter does not include Promotional pets, as many of these companions are no longer available. However, you can still view this list by searching using the 'Vanilla' and 'Promotional' filters.
Additionally, we've updated each Classic companion pet's profile page to include a new section listing the pet's 'Classic Source' plus original item tooltip. It can be found toward the bottom of each pet profile, just above the Notes.
For a quick overview of collectible Classic pets, you can also check out our Classic Vanity Pets Guide.
We hope everyone is enjoying WoW Classic and the adorable companions it has to offer. What better way to relive old memories and create some new ones than with a cute critter by your side!