Xu-Fu's Pet Guides is an excellent resource for those extra-tough battles.
Created by Aranesh, the site is maintained by a few members in the Pet Battle community. Their passion for Pet Battles means only the best information and guides for fellow battlers!
Learn how to defeat NPCs in zones dating back to Pandaria, how to complete Pet Battle Dungeons, earn Pet Battle achievements, or learn more about which pets are good in Pet PVP.

Strategies are user-created and tested, and they range from matches using the least number of moves to carrying a low level pet in a trainer encounter. Many guides also include comments and notes that might be useful in especially tough battles.
In addition to guides and strategies, it provides additional features such as TD Scripts and even collection stats.
If you're stumped on a particular trainer battle, look no further than Xu-Fu's Pet Guides. It has a wealth of knowledge that can help in almost any pet encounter!