- Battle on Zandalar and Kul Tiras - Rewards a new toy, Laser Pointer
- Battle Safari - Rewards a new pet, Dreadtick Leecher
- How to Keep a Mummy (a Mythic Dungeon achievement) - Rewards Miimii
UPDATE: The existing companions earned from PVP Prestige will be available in BFA. They will require Honor Rank 5 (Dutiful companions) and Honor Rank 20 (Wyrmtongue companions). Those that have already collected these four pets will get to keep them regardless of Honor Rank in BFA. [source]
Over 50 New Pets
The Beta Pet Journal was recently updated with over 50 new pets, bringing the current total of new BFA battle pets to 73! Note that this may not be the final count.

- 27 wild pets (six pictured above)
- 1 vendor pet (Lost Platysaur, pictured right)
- 4 achievement rewards (see below for more information)
- 6 reputation pets
- Many more from unknown sources
Check out over 70 new Battle For Azeroth battle pets!
Many of the new Pet Journal entries are incomplete, so there's still some mystery behind a handful of the upcoming pets. There are lots of new pet models, here's just a preview.

We're sure to learn more in future updates, so stay tuned.
New Achievements
Collectors will be rewarded for their efforts in BFA — 4 new achievement pets! We also now know where a previously datamined companion, Hearthy, will come from.

- Pet Emporium - Collect 800 unique pets. Rewards Rooter.
- Master of Minions - Collect 1000 unique pets. Rewards Hearthy.
- Toybox Tycoon - Collect 400 toys. Rewards Brutus. (pictured right)
- Battle Safari - Catch every battle pet on Zandalar and Kul Tiras. (Placeholder pet reward)
A new achievement, Battle on Zandalar and Kul Tiras, was also added. It requires the completion of 20 Pet Battle WQs (out of a total of 24 possible) on Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Currently, the BFA WQs have similar spawning to Broken Isles WQs. There are 4 random active Tamer NPCs each day, with one of those possibly on a different timer than the other three. Players must be max level (120) to see and challenge the Tamers. Check out this handy list of possible BFA Pet Tamers and their locations on Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Pet Charm Changes
As noted last month, there will be a new Pet Battle currency in the expansion. It's still unknown how we'll gather Polished Pet Charms, and what rewards will be available for purchase. A new achievement to collect 500 Polished Charms was also added.

Before you go on a spending-spree to use up existing charms, there is strong evidence that Shiny Pet Charms will not be a new currency. It's likely this is simply a name change, and current Pet Charms will still be usable to purchase rewards from the Dalaran and garrison Pet Battle vendors in BFA. Note that Blizzard has yet to confirm this. We'll announce any updates or clarification on this topic.
Which battle pet are you most excited for? What type of new rewards would you like to purchase with Polished Pet Charms?