UPDATE: It appears that Lio the Lioness and Serr'ah now both sell Ultimate Battle-Training Stones for 45 Pet Charms.

Patch 7.2 is live this week! There are new pets to collect, a Pet Battle Dungeon, and new trainers to challenge. [
New Pets
Are you ready to do some collecting? 7.2 is bringing 11 new pets!
- 2 new pets from the new zone, Broken Shore
- 3 new pets that have a chance to drop from the Pet Battle Dungeon challenge-mode reward bag
- An achievement pet for completing the challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon
- 5 new class-exclusive pets — three Death Knight companions (pictured above), one Monk pet, and one Rogue pet
Note that the Death Knight and Monk battle pets will not be available at the start of the patch. Unlocking these pets will require completion of the class mount quests.
It was
clarified during the Developer 7.2 Q&A that the class mount quests will only be available after an 11 week campaign new to 7.2, and after you've earned Exalted reputation with Armies of Legionfall.
The Rogue class pet will also be unavailable until three weeks into the patch when the
continuation of class campaigns unlocks.
Learn more about all 11 new pets!
It's Not A Pet But...
There's one more class-exclusive pet-related item that deserves an honorable mention. It's not a new pet, but it will certainly give your new pets a 'leg up', so to speak!
Following similar requirements and progression path as Death Knights and Monks, Mages can eventually unlock and purchase the
Magical Saucer toy which allows your summoned battle pet to follow you even while you're on a flying mount. You'll never have to leave your pets behind again!
Mystery Inside the Pet Battle Dungeon
Something is amiss in the Wailing Caverns, and level 110 players with at least one level 25 battle pet can head over to Breanni's shop in Dalaran (Broken Isles) to start a new adventure.
The follow up quest,
Wailing Critters, sends you into a special Pet Battle Dungeon scenario. It only requires one max level pet, however it's recommended to have at least three.
Inside, you'll experience 6 Stages that include 8 standard battles and 3 Boss pet encounters.
For more detailed information on the Wailing Caverns Pet Battle Dungeon, check out our PTR overview.
Pet Battle Dungeon Overview
Turning in Wailing Critters will reward an
Ultimate Battle-Training Stone, and unlock a Pet Battle Dungeon weekly quest.
The account-wide weekly quest,
Pet Battle Challenge: Wailing Caverns, has the same objectives as its predecessor, however it requires at least 15 max level pets and you cannot heal or revive while inside the scenario.
Note: You do not need to complete the normal version of the Pet Battle Dungeon in order to access the challenge version each week.
Conquering the challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon the first time will award an
achievement and
Son of Skum (pictured left)! The weekly quest also yields a new reward bag,
Damp Pet Supplies, which has a chance to drop 3 new pets.
The conclusion to this short Pet Battle Dungeon quest chain leaves us wondering if there will be more similar content in the future. During the Developer 7.2 Q&A it was
mentioned that future pet-dungeons will depend on player feedback and participation.
So are you ready to take on the challenge? Gather up your best battlers and help investigate the mystery inside the Wailing Caverns — your efforts will not go unrewarded!
New Broken Shore Trainers
If the Pet Battle Dungeon isn't enough to satisfy your battling needs, there are 3 new trainers on the Broken Shore.

These trainers are unlocked as World Quests on the new zone after completing the Broken Shore introductory scenario and quests.
All trainers have three epic level 25 pets each, and their associated World Quest rewards Pet Charms.
At this time, it does not appear that these new trainer encounters will award progress toward Family Familiar.
There's no shortage of activities in Patch 7.2 — what do you plan on tackling first? We certainly hope it's pet-related!