It was also noted that you can now queue for Pet Battle PVP matches while in Tanaan, when previously you could not.

Patch 6.2.2 is here! It's time to take to the skies in Draenor in search of new pets and to complete a new Pet Battle weekly quest. [source]
11 New Pets

- 3 new manafiend pets (pictured above) drop from rare elites in the un-instanced version of Highmaul in western Nagrand. You'll need flying to reach this area!
- Adopt a new pet, Brightpaw, from the Blizzard Pet Store in the near future.
- 2 new Collector's Edition pets — one from Legion and the other from Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void
- BlizzCon 2015 pet, Murkidan, will be making an appearance in November!
- 3 new Hallow's End pets of unknown origin. We hope to have more information soon.
- Who enjoys Feast of Winter Veil? Probably not Grumpling, a new pet you can collect during the in-game event.
Check out the Patch 6.2.2 pets!
Note that many of the newly added pets will not be collectible right at the start of Patch 6.2.2. They will be released in the coming months; we can't wait to see them in-game!
New Pet Battle Weekly Quest

Battle Pet Tamers: Warlords is an account-wide weekly quest that is available at any Menagerie level. You don't need to have the Menagerie unlocked to be able to pick up and complete this quest.
Defeat 5 Draenor Trainers (Erris the Collector and Kura Thunderhoof also count) and you'll be 10 battlestones richer.
Talk about a quick and easy way to stock up on stones or catch-up on pet levels!
Timewalking Pet Rewards
If you're still in need of the four crocolisk pets (one pictured right), but can't be bothered waiting for Old Man Barlo to offer Crocolisks in the City, the Burning Crusade Timewalking Holiday might be the event for you.
You can now collect Timewarped Badges from Timewalking bosses during the event. Use this new currency to purchase a wide range of items from event-specific NPCs.
The Burning Crusade Timewalking Holiday NPC is Cupri, who sells Bag of Fishing Treasures for 150 Timewarped Badges. This might put Old Man Barlo out of business!
It's speculated that the Wrath of the Lich King NPC, Auzin, will sell something similar. Bag of Fishing Treasures from the Northrend fishing dailies might also be purchasable, making it possible to collect the Strand Crawler during the Timewalking Holiday. We'll see!