Two in-game holidays have also been updated with pets and pet toys. [source]
Blizzard Preview of New Pets
Blizzard released a small sneak peak of what's to come in the near future. [source]

In Blizzard's preview post we can see four new pets (pictured above). Starting from the upper left pet and working clockwise:
- Murkidan - BlizzCon 2015
- Brightpaw - Blizzard Pet Store
- Zeradar - Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition and Digital Deluxe
- Nibbles - Legion Collector's Edition and Digital Deluxe
List of all 6.2.1 PTR datamined pets
But Wait, There's More!
On top of the pets listed above, datamining revealed four other new pets. These will be part of in-game holiday updates.
There will be three new pets to collect during Hallow's End.
How these pets will be obtained is still unknown. All three are currently flagged as "not cageable" on the PTR, but this could change prior to the patch's release. We'll have to wait and see.
Another holiday receiving an update is Feast of Winter Veil.

In addition to a new pet, the Perky Pug will be getting a new outfit, a "Merry Munchkin" Costume.
You can also enjoy the winter weather with your battle pets in a fun new way — seat them on your Red Wooden Sled and pull them around. Pets that cannot battle don't seem interested in a sled ride, but that's their loss!