Pet Journal Preview
Many of the previously datamined pets found their way into the Pet Journal along with a new one, however the journal previews have not been fully implemented yet.
Details on how these pets can be obtained is available but keep in mind that this information is subject to change. Here are a few notable updates from the Pet Journal.
- *New* Albino Chimaeraling - Loot from an egg from Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)
- Grovestrider Hatchling - Drop from Draenor
- Royal Peacock - Achievement reward (Draenor Pet Master)
List of WoD Alpha datamined pets
New Datamined Pets
Wowhead datamined additional pets that are currently unlisted in the Pet Journal. [source]
Some of these pets appear to be named and may not actually be obtainable by players, however one particular pet could be coming soon to a mailbox near you.

This pet appears to be Hogger's smaller counterpart (pictured right, courtesy of Wowhead). Will we actually be able to subdue this infamous gnoll and add him to our collections? Better set aside some fresh meat and bones for him to gnaw on just in case!
Keep Your Account Safe
Now that alpha invites have begun, be wary of any emails claiming to reward alpha keys or codes. There are no such keys.
Currently access to WoD Alpha is made possible by invite only. The safest way to check if an invite was sent to you is to check your account for an alpha client download.
Keep your account and collections secure!