How to Collect It
The Day of the Dead world event is here and for the next few days you can complete the quest The Grateful Dead which awards the Macabre Marionette.
The quest can be picked up from your race's home city (example: Darnassus for Night Elves or Undercity for Undead). Dalaran and Shattrath are neutral territories, therefore the NPC will offer the quest to any race and faction.
To start and complete the quest, you will need to purchase a Bouquet of Orange Marigolds as well as Bread of the Dead from Chapman. The flowers will enable you to see the quest giver, while the bread recipe can be purchased from the same NPC that sells the bouquet.
The Grateful Dead quest can be completed on multiple characters, meaning you can obtain multiple pets. The Macabre Marionette is also cageable, which can come in handy should you know anyone who will miss out on the event.
Available For a Limited Time
The Day of the Dead is a very short-lived in-game event (November 1st through November 3rd), so collectors only have a small window each year to complete the quest and collect this pet.
However, since this pet is cageable, those that miss out on the event will still have the opportunity to obtain it via the Auction House and other trade transactions. There will be plenty of marionettes to go around!