The Darkmoon Faire is back and open for business! As of Patch 5.0.4, though, something new and terrifying has taken residence inside the cave on the island.
In a nod to Monty Python, the Darkmoon Rabbit is a new level 93 world raid boss that has roughly 174 million hitpoints. It randomly spawns in the Darkmoon Cave, which is located on the south eastern tip of the island.
Although this rabbit might seem cute and cuddly, it's actually quite ferocious. The Darkmoon Rabbit hits fairly hard and will periodically place a debuff on players which causes loss of control of the character and reduces healing done to said player by 100%. It's a killer!
Once defeated, the Darkmoon Rabbit will drop a companion of the same name. Since only one pet can be looted per kill, those in a party or raid will need to roll for the companion. However, this pet is BoU so it can be traded or sold.
Additionally, players involved in the encounter will receive the achievement That Rabbit's Dynamite!
September 2012 « Archives | Current News »
World of Petcraft #24
September 05, 2012
Enjoy our monthly web comic created for WoW pet collectors! We feature a new World of Petcraft strip each and every month.

About the Artist
Meaghan McLaughlin is an aspiring artist and the author of "Nerds Illustrated." She's currently available to create custom WoW artwork.

About the Artist
Meaghan McLaughlin is an aspiring artist and the author of "Nerds Illustrated." She's currently available to create custom WoW artwork.
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Terky Added to the Pet Database
September 07, 2012
MMO-Champion went through the latest beta build and datamined an interesting pet. [source]
This mysterious companion is called Terky and is learned from the White Murloc Egg. This pet uses the original baby murloc model, except that it's white in color.
While this pet may seem new, it is not. This companion is also currently not available to players.
Where is it From?
There's not much information on the pet or the item, however, according to the Pet Journal on the beta, Terky was from an old iCoke promotion in Taiwan. The event may have coincided with the iCoke promotion that was held in China that rewarded the Tiny Red Dragon and Tiny Green Dragon.
During the iCoke Taiwan event, a quest was created, and completing it rewarded the White Murloc Egg. It's not clear if players were able to hand in the quest and receive a baby murloc, though.
Some claim that the promotion was only considered and in the end the idea was dropped. Both the quest and Terky were not meant to be distributed, yet a few people managed to obtain the quest and share it with others.
Maybe Someday
Players cannot obtain this pet at this time, but since Terky has been officially added to the Pet Journal on the beta, we've also included it in our database.
Will this companion be available to players in the future? No one knows for sure, and we'll just have to wait and find out!
This mysterious companion is called Terky and is learned from the White Murloc Egg. This pet uses the original baby murloc model, except that it's white in color.
While this pet may seem new, it is not. This companion is also currently not available to players.
Where is it From?
There's not much information on the pet or the item, however, according to the Pet Journal on the beta, Terky was from an old iCoke promotion in Taiwan. The event may have coincided with the iCoke promotion that was held in China that rewarded the Tiny Red Dragon and Tiny Green Dragon.
During the iCoke Taiwan event, a quest was created, and completing it rewarded the White Murloc Egg. It's not clear if players were able to hand in the quest and receive a baby murloc, though.
Some claim that the promotion was only considered and in the end the idea was dropped. Both the quest and Terky were not meant to be distributed, yet a few people managed to obtain the quest and share it with others.
Maybe Someday
Players cannot obtain this pet at this time, but since Terky has been officially added to the Pet Journal on the beta, we've also included it in our database.
Will this companion be available to players in the future? No one knows for sure, and we'll just have to wait and find out!
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Pandaren Monk Pet Sale
September 12, 2012

What better way to enter into the upcoming panda-themed expansion, than with a panda of your very own at your side?

Better pick one up soon, though. This sale ends September 17, 2012!
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Best Buy Developer Q&A
September 19, 2012

- The Baby Shark will eventually be added into the game!
- There won't be a realm first for Pet Battles since it's intended to be more of a casual mini-game.
- Tooltips for wild pets, caged companions, and pets sold on the AH will be updated in patch 5.1.0. The new tooltip will display if you own said pet and if so, how many. Should you already have 3 of that pet, the tooltip text will turn red. [source]
- Mini-pets might drop from raid bosses in the future, but the context in which one drops needs to fit with the content.
You can view the full transcript of the Developer Q&A here.
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Eye of the Legion Pre-Sale: New Pet!
September 20, 2012

Sound like fun?
Then you want this new pet!
WarcraftPets is pleased to partner up with WoWTCGLoot to bring you another great TCG pet loot pre-sale!
The Eye of the Legion is the new War of the Ancients common loot featuring another first-time companion model: a green floating eye!
Why preorder through WarcraftPets?
In addition to being one of the first players on your server to be followed around by your own little eye-spy, here are three more reasons to order now:
- Rare Pet Loot Prize - Everyone who orders the Eye of the Legion will be entered into a random drawing to win a rare [Rocket Chicken]. In addition, 10 random buyers will receive a stack of Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits!
- Orders Support WarcraftPets - What can be better than adding another easy-to-get pet to your collection? Helping your favorite pet collection website! A percentage of every pre-order helps support our site.
- Limited Supply - There are a limited supply of loot codes available for sale on a first-come, first-serve basis. Order now to secure your pet and your entry in the Rocket Chicken loot giveaway before supplies run out!
Get your code October 2nd:

The pre-sale will run through Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012. If you have any questions regarding the pre-sale or loot giveaway, please contact WoWTCGLoot.
Happy collecting, and best of luck in winning some cool loot!

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MoP Brings a Whole New WarcraftPets with 260+ New Pets!
September 25, 2012
We've been working around the clock to prepare for Mists of Pandaria. Not only have we added 260+ new pets to our database, but we've given ourselves a site-wide makeover in the process!

A Stylish New Look
Our homepage has been updated to provide the very latest in pet-related news, plus the latest information circulating the pet collecting community. Getting your daily pet-fix has never been easier!
You'll also enjoy a prominent, user-friendly navigation bar that's chock-full of useful links and dropdown menus. This should provide you with a smoother and faster browsing experience.
In addition, so long as you're logged in, you can check your collection status at a glance. A tracking widget has been added to the upper right of the website that tells you exactly how many pets you've collected and how close you are to completing your collection.
Searching For Pets
Looking for a pet in a specific pet family?
We've broken down the 10 official pet families into logical subcategories, making it much easier to find the companions you're seeking.
We've also included new filters with many of our tools. For example, you now have the option to view wild pets by zone or filter exclusively for wild pets that fly.
All-New Pet Profiles
Pet profiles have a whole new look as well. They're sporting more information than ever, with updated source tooltips, pet levels for wild pets, links to companions with similar models, and even images of all the possible skins a capturable pet can have.
Not only do we include general details on companions, but each profile also features a Battle Info tab. Curious about what battle abilities Chuck has and at what level each attack unlocks? The Battle Info tab has all that information and more!
Pet Collections and Rankings
Whereas it was once important to add all your characters to our site, now 99% of your collection is account-wide, shared among all your characters. Maintaining a collection on just two characters will be more than enough for most of you.
The only pets that aren't account-wide are those that are faction-specific, like the Guild Page and Moonkin Hatchling. These can only be summoned by members of the appropriate faction.
So if you're looking to maximize your total pet count for our account-wide Top 50 Collections list, you'll want at least two characters on your WarcraftPets account (one Horde and one Alliance). As long as you have both factions represented, our collection updating tools will automatically add any faction-specifc pets to the appropriate characters on your account. And that will help to improve your overall rank.
What's to Come?
Over the course of the next couple of months, we'll continue to update the site with more information on companions, including a special tool that will appear in every battle pet's profile—Stats per Level.

This feature will offer a dropdown to select a companion's quality and a slidebar to select its level, revealing hundreds of combinations of its base stats. You'll easily be able to see how well a pet will scale as it levels up. This can come in handy when planning out your Pet Battle teams!
Thank You
We'd like to say a big thank you to our community and users for all the assistance and support you've given us as we gathered the information necessary to update our site. WarcraftPets would not be where it is today without you. You have our sincerest thanks!

A Stylish New Look
Our homepage has been updated to provide the very latest in pet-related news, plus the latest information circulating the pet collecting community. Getting your daily pet-fix has never been easier!
You'll also enjoy a prominent, user-friendly navigation bar that's chock-full of useful links and dropdown menus. This should provide you with a smoother and faster browsing experience.

Searching For Pets
Looking for a pet in a specific pet family?
We've broken down the 10 official pet families into logical subcategories, making it much easier to find the companions you're seeking.
We've also included new filters with many of our tools. For example, you now have the option to view wild pets by zone or filter exclusively for wild pets that fly.
All-New Pet Profiles
Pet profiles have a whole new look as well. They're sporting more information than ever, with updated source tooltips, pet levels for wild pets, links to companions with similar models, and even images of all the possible skins a capturable pet can have.
Not only do we include general details on companions, but each profile also features a Battle Info tab. Curious about what battle abilities Chuck has and at what level each attack unlocks? The Battle Info tab has all that information and more!
Pet Collections and Rankings
Whereas it was once important to add all your characters to our site, now 99% of your collection is account-wide, shared among all your characters. Maintaining a collection on just two characters will be more than enough for most of you.
The only pets that aren't account-wide are those that are faction-specific, like the Guild Page and Moonkin Hatchling. These can only be summoned by members of the appropriate faction.
So if you're looking to maximize your total pet count for our account-wide Top 50 Collections list, you'll want at least two characters on your WarcraftPets account (one Horde and one Alliance). As long as you have both factions represented, our collection updating tools will automatically add any faction-specifc pets to the appropriate characters on your account. And that will help to improve your overall rank.
What's to Come?
Over the course of the next couple of months, we'll continue to update the site with more information on companions, including a special tool that will appear in every battle pet's profile—Stats per Level.

This feature will offer a dropdown to select a companion's quality and a slidebar to select its level, revealing hundreds of combinations of its base stats. You'll easily be able to see how well a pet will scale as it levels up. This can come in handy when planning out your Pet Battle teams!
Thank You
We'd like to say a big thank you to our community and users for all the assistance and support you've given us as we gathered the information necessary to update our site. WarcraftPets would not be where it is today without you. You have our sincerest thanks!

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A Change to WarcraftPets Collections
September 27, 2012

Many of you had been upset about the validation routines we had on our site preventing you from adding pets of opposing factions. We asked that you add a character to your account that could summon the pet in order to add it to your collection.
However, the Armory and in-game Pet Journal showed you as having both, so why not our site? It didn't make sense to have to go through the extra step.
So... we changed it!
But in doing so, we've had to eliminate the ability to add multiple characters to your WarcraftPets account. All accounts now have only one character showing—the one you marked as your "main." This won't have any bearing on your current pet count and should serve only to simplify things going forward.
We're sure that many of you are happy to see this change. If you're not, we're willing to hear you as well. Please contact us with your concerns, should you have any.
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It's Finally Here! WarcraftPets' Guide to Pet Battles!
September 28, 2012
WarcraftPets is all about the pets, right? So isn't it about time that we released the DEFINITIVE Guide to Pet Battles?
You bet it is!
There have been a lot of pet battle guides popping up this week after MoP was released. But we're confident that this one will blow you away! Our goal was to make it the most complete and useful guide on the web.
Our guide includes:
And of course, all of this information is presented with the usual flair of our guides, including tips, FYIs, cautionary notes, and lots of charts and graphics.
Whether you're already comfortable with pet battles or still learning the ropes, our guide has something for you. We encourage you to take a look and share it with your friends!
You bet it is!

There have been a lot of pet battle guides popping up this week after MoP was released. But we're confident that this one will blow you away! Our goal was to make it the most complete and useful guide on the web.
Our guide includes:
- Getting Started
- Pet Tracking and General Combat
- Healing Your Battle Pets
- Battle Pet Families and Abilities
- Capturing Wild Pets
- Battle Pet Quality
- Becoming a Master
- PVP Pet Battles
- Organizing Your Pet Collection
- Pet Battle Strategy, Tips, and Resources
And of course, all of this information is presented with the usual flair of our guides, including tips, FYIs, cautionary notes, and lots of charts and graphics.
Whether you're already comfortable with pet battles or still learning the ropes, our guide has something for you. We encourage you to take a look and share it with your friends!

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