Breanni has always had her say when it comes to pets. And now, you do too! Pet comments have finally arrived at WarcraftPets! But before you go posting your thoughts on every pet in the database, we have a few tips...
The best comments are
informative, and
amusing. You're limited to one comment per pet, but you can edit it as often as you like. Admins and members will rate your comments with a positive (+) or a negative (-).
Negative ratings
Self-serving comments, repetition, and "fluff" remarks that don't offer any value aren't likely to win any popularity contests. Some examples:
- "This pet makes a noise when clicked." The pet's profile already includes this information.
- "Awww... how cute! I want it." This alone provides no real value to readers.
- "Squee! I just got this pet!!!" Use your community comment to share such news.
- "WTS X pet for 1000G on X realm. Message me." Advertising and soliciting are against the User Guidelines. Admins will delete these comments on site and members are encouraged to report them.
Positive ratings
Comments that mention additional details about a pet or helpful tips to collect the pet are almost always well received. And everyone appreciates humor, so feel free to make us smile!
Just the facts, ma'am
Make sure that your comments are accurate. Posting unconfirmed rumors and misinformation will almost certainly result in a negative rating.
Hey! Where'd my comment go?!
If a comment drops below a
-3 rating, it is automatically purged. If a comment of yours is ever removed in this way, you can always repost with something new and hope for a better rating.
More goodies...
In addition to adding the ability to comment on pets, members also have a "comment history" available through their profile. This feature provides a list of every comment made by a member, beginning with the most recent.
We hope you enjoy this new feature as much as we'll enjoy reading your pet comments.

And if you do, we encourage you to
lend your support so we can continue to bring you big improvements like this. Thanks!