Help Desk
Our help desk can assist you with a variety of site-related topics. Review the FAQ below and contact us if you need additional help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Account Management
How do I become a site member?

Signing up for site membership is easy! All you need is a valid email address.
Create your account today!
I'm having trouble creating my account. What should I do?
How can I change my username?

Go to your
account management page. (Note that this page is always accessible by clicking on your username in the upper right.) From there you can change your username, email address,
in-game data, and other options.
How can I change my password?

Go to your
account management page. (Note that this page is always accessible by clicking on your username in the upper right.) From there, click the "reset password" link found under your username. Clicking this link will log you out of your account and offer instructions to reset your password. You will need to access your email to complete the reset.
Will my account ever expire?

No. In the past, all accounts (excluding
Site MVP
accounts) that were inactive for more than 2 years were automatically deleted from our database. But as of February 2015, we allow all accounts to exist indefinitely.
How do I permanently delete my account?

For security purposes, only a Site Admin can delete your account. You may
contact us if you wish to have your account removed from our database.
Collection Management
How do I set up my pet collection?

To set up your collection, you will first need to
log in to your account. Then go to
My Collection (always available when you hover over your username in the upper right). From there, click "Update Collection" and use the on-page buttons to import your collection automatically from WoW's Armory.
NOTE: The first time you import your collection will take several seconds. But when you reimport thereafter, it will take only a second or two.
How do I update my collection with a newly collected pet?

To update your collection,
log in to your account. Then click the "Update" link found underneath your pet collection progress bar (upper right, beneath the navigation bar). Use the on-page buttons to reimport your collection automatically from WoW's Armory.
My newest pets don't show up in my collection after I reimport. Why?

Any newly acquired pets won't show up in your Armory profile until AFTER you’ve fully logged out of WoW and closed your game window. Once you've done that, you can successfully import them into your WarcraftPets collection.
After I reimported, most of my pets were wiped. What happened?

The WoW Armory pulls your pet collection from whatever instance of the game you last played. So if your last login was on the PTR (public test realm), your Armory profile will show only the pets you collected according to the PTR.
To fix this, log into the live game and then fully log out and close your game window. Once you've done that, you can successfully reimport your pet collection and your missing pets should reappear.
A pet isn't showing up in my collection. What should I do?

Your collection is imported directly from your official profile in the WoW Armory. If your pets aren't showing up there, they will not be imported to your WarcraftPets collection. Try the following:
- Make sure you've completely logged out of WoW and closed your game window. Then try reimporting your collection.
- Do you play on the PTR? If so, try this solution.
- If a pet still isn't showing in your collection, check to see if you can add it using the "Manual Additions" option further down the "Update Collection" page. This option is only visible when there are pets that may be added manually.
- As a last resort, click your character link to view your pet collection as it appears on the Armory. If the pet doesn't show up there, you'll need to contact Blizzard for technical support.
How can I add other characters to my account?

You can't. As of patch 5.0.1, pets became account-wide. Therefore, adding additional characters to your WarcraftPets account is not necessary. All pets you own on all characters will show up in your main character's collection.
Why is my pet collection data occasionally purged?

Websites like WarcraftPets that pull data from the Blizzard API (such as your collection data) must purge any stored data that's older than 30 days, per Blizzard’s API rules. In order for your collection to remain active on WarcraftPets, you will need to log into our website and re-import your collection at least once every 30 days, which also requires an active World of Warcraft account.
Pet Score and Statistics

What is
pet score?

Pet score is a numerical assessment of your pet collecting efforts. Your score is primarily determined by the total number of unique pets you've collected and the quality of those pets. To a lesser extent, your pets' levels play a role. Here is the formula we use to calculate pet score:
2*(total unique pets)
+ .12*(sum of all unique pet levels)
+ 1*(total common pets)
+ 2*(total uncommon pets)
+ 3*(total rare pets)
+ 5*(total epic pets)
+ 10*(total legendary pets)
Pet ScoreOnly unique pets are factored into pet score. Also note that pet level accounts for roughly 20% of pet score, while a much greater emphasis is placed on pet quantity and quality.
How do you weigh duplicate pets into my stats and pet score?

We don't. Duplicate pets do not count toward your stats or pet score in any way.
For example, if you have 75 pets at the max level, but 10 are duplicates, your max level stat will be 65 (despite any
pet leveling achievements you may have earned). Any pet that's tinted in orange is considered a duplicate. Only unique pets are used to determine your pet score and other statistics.
How do you determine which pets are considered unique or duplicates?

Since pet quality (rarity) plays the biggest role in determining your score, the highest level of the highest quality pet (among duplicates) is considered your "unique" pet.
Unique pets are the ones factored into your pet stats and pet score. We prioritze pets by quality first, followed by level, and then by whether or not the pet was given a custom name:
Quality → Level → Name
For example, say you have three of the same pet: a level 23 Uncommom, a level 18 Rare and a level 21 Common named
Bob. The level 18 Rare would be considered your "unique" pet because it is the one with the highest rarity (even though it also has the lowest level). This ensures you'll always get the maximum possible pet score.
Community Concerns
When I post on the forums, I'm unable to post links. How come?

To help control link spam caused by malicious bots and unethical users, we've disabled the posting of external links until you've posted in
our forums at least 8 times. We understand that this is an inconvenience for our newest posters, but we encourage you to actively engage with the community and you'll be linking in no time.
Keep in mind, this policy doesn't limit your ability to link to any page on WarcraftPets, as well as to pets, abilities, user profiles, and Wowhead data (spells, items, quests, NPCs, etc.) using our built-in link buttons.
How can I contact another member?

You can use the site's
messaging feature to send private messages to other members.
Does this site have any rules?

Yes. The rules are clearly spelled out in the
User Guidelines. All users of this site are expected to abide by the rules.
Who moderates this site?

Site Admins moderate and maintain WarcraftPets. Check out the
Meet the Team section to learn about our admins.
What happens if I break a rule or two?

We employ a
three strikes and you're out philosophy. Members who break
the rules once will typically receive a warning. A second offense will result in a second warning, plus the member's account(s) will be flagged, thereby limiting site privileges. Any final offenses could result in the permanent suspension/removal of the member's account(s). Attempts to create additional accounts will be blocked.
Note that we reserve the right to flag or suspend a member at any time if we believe the circumstances warrant such an action. We also reserve the right to deny any offending visitor access to the site entirely.
If you choose to become a member of this community, please respect the rules and keep your demeanor light and fun. After all, this site is all about fun. We ask that you do your part to preserve that spirit while logged into this site.
I was
flagged for misconduct. What does that mean?

Flagged members are ineligible for a
Top 50 ranking. Additionally, all comments made by flagged members are hidden from public view. Flagged members are also hidden in
search results. Furthermore, the ability to
message other users is disabled, as is the ability to post in our
forums. Finally, so long as a member remains flagged, he/she will be ineligible for
MVP status.
How do I report someone who's breaking the rules?

If you notice someone breaking the rules, simply
contact us and report the member by name. We'll investigate the matter as soon as we receive your grievance.
If you wish to report someone for a specific comment he/she made, click the
[Report] link found directly adjacent to the comment.
If you'd like to report an inappropriate post in our forums, use the reporting icon found at the upper right of the post. A forum moderator will handle the issue.
Why are some members shown in green and others in orange?

This coloring denotes members who have earned
site achievements. Members whose names appear in green are
Site MVPs. These individuals have
supported the site in major ways.
Members whose names appear in orange are
Top Raters, indicating that they've taken the time to provide a rating for every pet on the site.
Can I ever change my rating for a particular pet?

No. Once you submit your rating, it cannot be changed.
Supporting the Site

WarcraftPets. How can I help?

There are many ways you can help.
Donations are extremely useful. There are also
other ways to help that cost nothing except a bit of your time.
How will my donation be used?

Donations are primarily used to support operating costs,
conmmunity contests, and other site-related activities, such as our annual BlizzCon Meet and Greet.
I'd like to donate, but I don't have a PayPal account. What can I do?

If you don't have a PayPal account, no worries — you can donate using any major credit card through our secure PayPal gateway. No PayPal account is required.
How long does it take to become an MVP after I donate?

When you donate $40 or more, you'll become a
Site MVP typically within 1-2 days. The key is to remember to submit your WarcraftPets username as a comment in PayPal, or you can
contact us after you submit your donation.
As long as we have your username or account-bound email address, we can quickly upgrade your account. But if we have to contact you for that information, it will take more time.
I'm unable to donate. Can I still become a site MVP?

Yes. Members who freely offer their time to help support the site and the community are always considered for MVP status.
If you think you've earned the title of MVP, please
contact us and offer a gentle reminder of your past and present deeds.
Can I volunteer as a site administrator?

Volunteers are always welcome when needed. If a Site Admin position is available, you may submit the
application form.
General Info
Do you have an advertising or affiliate program?

Yes. Provided you're not in the business of gold selling, power leveling, or pushing PDF gold/leveling guides, you may
contact us to inquire about our rates. Be sure to provide a link to the site you wish to advertise.
I have a pet-related suggestion. Can you pass it along to Blizzard?

While we do have a relationship with Blizzard, this isn't something we can do. Your best bet is to submit your idea through one of the
official WoW forums.
Some pets aren't listed on this site. Why?

This site is dedicated exclusively to
companion pets. To be considered a companion, the entity in question must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- The entity is summoned via a summoning spell found in the character's Pet Journal.
- The entity counts toward various Vanity Pet Achievements.
- The entity must have the tag of <companion>.
NOTE: Entities that do not follow the above guidelines (such as the Blood Parrot and Haunted Memento) are not listed on our site.
There are also a variety of pets datamined from the game files that are unavailable to players and not included in our database. To learn more about these pets, check our
unlisted pets page.
Can you add mounts to the site?

We prefer to keep WarcraftPets dedicated exclusively to
companion collecting and
pet battles so we can continue to bring you the most thorough coverage. To track your mount collection, we recommend Mania's
Warcraft Mounts fansite.
Who created this site?