Suggest a Pet Contest
We're excited to announce our next big contest! For WarcraftPets' Suggest a Pet Contest, we'd like you to submit an original idea for a pet, along with a brief description and a special animation. Winners will be chosen at random. However, you must adhere to the guidelines below to be eligible for the prize drawings.
If you'd like to enter, please review the guidelines below and the contest terms to find out how you could win one of three amazing prize packages:
1st Place: Spectral Tiger Cub and Imp in a Ball
- [Imp in a Ball] TCG loot code
- 200x [Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit]
- Spectral Tiger Cub TCG loot code:
Spectral Tiger Cub taught by [Spectral Tiger Cub]
2nd Place: FigurePets and Tuskarr Kite
- Set of Series 1 FigurePets (Speedy, Clockwork Rocket Bot, Stinker)
- 150x [Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit]
- Tuskarr Kite TCG loot code:
Tuskarr Kite taught by [Tuskarr Kite]
3rd Place: Loot Choice
- 100x [Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit]
- Choice of one (1) TCG loot code:
Hippogryph Hatchling taught by [Hippogryph Hatchling]
Rocket Chicken taught by [Rocket Chicken]
How to Enter
Within an email message, suggest an all-new vanity pet. Your entry must include:
- The name of the pet.
- A brief description of the pet.
- A unique idle animation for the pet. Be creative!
- Your full name and mailing/postal address.
Again, your submission won't be judged but it does enter you into the contest. Plus, we'd love to post a handful of the more amusing and unique ideas we receive. And who knows? Perhaps Blizzard will see a few of these ideas and be inspired!
Questions and Answers

To be eligible, contestants must supply their pet suggestion as outlined above and reside in a state or territory that is "contest-friendly."

For additional information, be sure to read the Suggest a Pet Contest Terms.
Official Sponsor
We'd like to thank WoW Loot Cards for helping to make this contest possible.