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Tyraelos' Profile

Username: Tyraelos Top Rater  
Character: Tyraelos (A)
Realm & Rank: Azjol-Nerub-us (#16)
Connected Rank: Azjol-Nerub-us (#42)
Pets Collected: 909/1943
Pets Rated: 205/1943 — Appearance
189/1911 — Battle
Joined: October 25, 2012
Last Online: February 05, 2019
Community: Comments (11)
Forum Posts (5)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Tyraelos

Tyraelos Says: 

I took a break from WoW 6 months or so before BfA hit and then sort of got back into it a few weeks after. I'm completely casual now, I don't even raid or hit mythics with my guildies anymore. A great thing to do is get back into pet collecting because at least I don't have to commit to that and can just play whenever I want to play. I've come to see that with BfA comes ALOT more collecting! I'm mad at myself because I missed the deadline for using my charms and I have over 1100 collected. The intention was to use them up before BfA but I completely forgot so my goal next week is to level as many pets as I can without burning out. 

Posted Feb 5, 2019 at 12:38pm

Tyraelos' Collection:  View Tyraelos' Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Tyraelos:

I'm a dedicated softcore collector :) I don't PvP at all, so my collection is for aesthetics and for tearing up wild pets and any PvE tournaments Blizzard comes up with (I beat the Celestial Tournament in the first week, in about 4 days after about 10hrs of messing around with different teams). 


I don't spend 10 hrs camping for pets. It's not my style. I do 30m to 60m and then move on to something else; in super rare cases I have run around for 2 hrs or so (Undercity Rat, I'm looking at you!) but I generally make my journey practical and functional by leveling lowbies while I search for my prey. 


You'll never find me buying pets or trading cards for real money out of principle, but I do try my best to otherwise obtain as many pets as I can in-game. I know I'll generally be at a disadvantage to other collectors, that's ok with me :) I may change my stance one day, break down and buy pets, we'll see. I just don't think we should be paying a sub for WoW + in-game items but I suppose other MMOs do it so it's just business.  


I've diligently collected every wild pet - several breeds in some cases! I've also managed to get my hands on a few Bliz store pets as gifts from friends and even a few trading card pets as rare trades. I never sell pets, I keep them and trade them or give them to those who need them for their own personal collection. I also only rarely buy pets for gold (and if I do it's sub 5k) because I find that trading them is just way more fulfilling and fun. 


I lost the Darkmoon Rabbit by 1 pt. and I've never tried for it again, LOL. I rolled a 99, other player rolled 100. A well deserved win but painful for me nonetheless. 


It's difficult to choose my favorite pets. But if I had to name a few, it'd be the Moonkin Hatchling for sure due to my Balance Druid main. Tito is in there because he makes me laugh. Moon-Moon, very cool looking and Diablo of course.


My goals are very simple:


Obtain every wild pet, including several breeds if deemed necessary.

Obtain as many pets as possible otherwise after that.

Get them all to Rare Quality if they aren't already.

Get them all to Max level. 


My short term goal right now is replacing the last 2 wild pets which are green with blue ones. After this I'll be battling till I'm blue in order to get the stones needed to convert the quest/purchased/etc. green pets. 


My long term goal is to get them all to 25.

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