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Stormwings' Profile

Username: Stormwings Top Rater  
Character: Stormwings (H)
Realm & Rank: Moon Guard-us (#77)
Connected Rank: Moon Guard-us (#77)
Pets Collected: 976/1943
Pets Rated: 917/1943 — Appearance
898/1911 — Battle
Joined: October 09, 2008
Last Online: September 27, 2023
Community: Comments (13)
Forum Posts (0)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Stormwings

Stormwings Says: 

Back after a hiatus, just in time for Blizzcon 2016 and Day of the Dead (which I've missed every year for a few years now! :( )



Hit level 107 and working to end game. SOOOO excited about the make-a-wish pet announced at Blizzcon, the Fel Kitten named Mischief!! I couldn't find a picture of him anywhere until I opened up the WoW launcher and he was posted with the advertisements! Not available yet, though.



Here's the pic I snagged of him for those who can't access the launcher right now!

Posted Nov 4, 2016 at 4:35pm

Stormwings' Collection:  View Stormwings' Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Stormwings:

Used to be #1 on Wyrmrest before pet battles came out. Dropped down to #247 after a year break. Climbed back up to #93, then dropped down to #130 after another long break.


Current rank: #29 (11/13/14)




Remaining Pets Needed:  (680/754 - 11 Excluded)

Wild Pets (8): Axebeak Hatchling, Bloodsting Wasp, Coral Snake, Frostshell Pincher, Ironclaw Scuttler, Larva, Mudback Calf, Wharf Rat

Celestial Tournament (2): Chi-Chi, Zao

Professions (9): Land Shark, Sea Calf, Ancient Nest Guardian, Crawling Claw, Lil' Leftovers, Pierre, Tiny Blue Carp, Nightshade Sproutling, Pygmy Cow

Drops (10): Darkmoon Rabbit, Hatespark the Tiny, Corrupted Nest Guardian, Empowered Manafiend, Empyreal Manafiend, Energized Manafiend, Eye of Observation, Lanticore Spawnling, Servant of Demidos, Zomstrok

Pet Supply Bags (6): Slithershock Elver, Syd the Squid, Nightmare Bell, Periwinkle Calf,  Seaborne Spore, Zangar Spore 

Holidays (2): Blazing Cindercrawler, Stout Alemental 

Vendor (2): Dusty Sporewing, Glowing Sporebat

Reputation (5): Albino River Calf, Bone Wasp, Forest Sproutling, Savage Cub, Sky Fry

Guild (3): Deathwatch Hatchling, Guild Herald, Guild Page


Quests (0): N/A

Raid Drops - SoO (3): Blackfuse Bombling, Droplet of Y'Shaarj, Kovok

Raid Drops- ToT (5): Ji-Kun Hatchling, Living Fluid, Pygmy Direhorn, Son of Animus, Viscous Horror, 

Achievements (3): Race MiniZep, Stunted Direhorn, Trunks

TCG/Cards/Shop (2): Mini Tyrael, Murky

RAF (4): Golden Pig, Jade Tiger, Silver Pig, Zipao Tiger

CEs (8): Baby Winston, Baneling, Graves, Mini Diablo/Panda Cub/Zergling, Treasure Goblin, Zeradar




Remaining Unique Skins Needed



Bucktooth Flapper (2): Red (Have Brown)



Scarab Hatchling (2): Green, Purple

Crystal: White (Have Pink)



Thicket Skitterer (2): Yellow (Have Beige)



Crunchy: Gray/Orange

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