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SammyJoe's Profile

Username: SammyJoe Top Rater  
Character: Samsational (H)
Realm & Rank: Area 52-us (#5)
Connected Rank: Area 52-us (#5)
Pets Collected: 1880/1933
Pets Rated: 1765/1943 — Appearance
15/1911 — Battle
Joined: January 29, 2008
Last Online: Yesterday
Community: Comments (8)
Forum Posts (11)
Messaging: Enabled Contact SammyJoe

SammyJoe Says: 

Trying to play catchup before 9.1 hits xD


Working On

Necrolord Offerings [3/30]

Kyrian Offerings [2/30]

The Avowed Exalted [2155/6000]


Currently Farming

Quest Pets [6/8]

Bucketshell [23/400]

Covenant Event Pets [1/13]

Rare Drops [52/77]

Posted Jun 7, 2021 at 3:25pm

SammyJoe's Collection:  View SammyJoe's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  100.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About SammyJoe:

I have gone by many names over the years: SamJ of Gorefiend-US, Samsational of Tichondrius-US, SamJ of Thrall-US and Samsational of Area52-US.. but I will always and forever be, an Undead Mage. :)


I've had this character since August of '06, and I have been pet collecting since my first Wood Frog back in March of '07. Everyone called me a "nut" for having collected close to 74 pets before they didn't take up bag space anymore, and would always have an 18 slot bag full of my favorites on me at all times.


Needless to say, I'm pretty proud of my collection, and I received my skunk during the first few hours after 3.0, and Bambi the second I could log on after 3.0.8. :)

- I'm also over 100 pets as of 05/14/09

- 150 pets as of 12/25/10! :)

- Woot!!! 200 pets as of 06/12/12! :D

- 250 on 10/03/12 :)

- 500 pets! 7/01/15

- 800 pets! 06/03/18

- 900 pets! 06/28/18

- 1400 pets! 07/16/21

- 1800 pets! 09/05/24


Interesting pet stories:

Jubling - I was no more than a level 44 (cap was 60), and I just HAD to get my very own Jubling. I had help farming for the Ale, but then realized that the month's Darkmoon was going to be in Elwynn. I went anyway, and didn't get ganked until afterI received my egg! 5 days later, my very own Jubling!!!


Sporebat - The first pet I had to grind out. I was more of a "scan the AH for deals" type of collector (like my Dark Whelp for 2g or my Hyacinthfor 120g). I wasn't even a 70, and I hit exalted to get this guy. :)


Hippogryph- My very first eBay purchase ever was $28 for this little guy. I love him to pieces!


Panda, Diablo & Zergling - Best Birthday present EVER!!!! 10/22/12! :D

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