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Punka21's Profile

Username: Punka21  
Character: Punka (A)
Realm & Rank: Durotan-us (#8)
Connected Rank: Durotan-us (#18)
Pets Collected: 1589/1918
Pets Rated: 112/1943 — Appearance
8/1911 — Battle
Joined: January 25, 2014
Last Online: Yesterday
Community: Comments (3)
Forum Posts (4)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Punka21

Punka21 Says: 

It's Super Squirt Day once again but there's too many new ones to level for me lately.


Highlights of the day include Simon (Kabluey) being the first up to 25 from 1, followed by Alvin the Anvil, and Chimney Grim and Arena Grim doing the best that they can.

Posted Mar 28, 2024 at 1:41pm

Punka21's Collection:  View Punka21's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  5.3%
CommonCommon  3.3%
UncommonUncommon  14.0%
RareRare  77.3%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Punka21:

We have been collecting pets since late vanilla as a mother and daughter team. Before Mists came out, our original main Katraina had the most pets, which was about 90 when the pre-patch came out. Punka is my main these days. The first pet I planned to level was the Mana Wyrmling, but after my first battle, I put the next pet I had below it in the journal, which was the Mechanical Squirrel, and I ended up leveling it instead. One team I had through its path to 25 consisted of an uncommon Tainted Rat, an uncommon Stinkbug, and the Mechanical Squirrel, which lasted from Felwood level to about Northrend level. (14-21) My first pets to 25 were my Mechanical Squirrel, an uncommon Garden Frog, and a rare Devouring Maggot. Later, I upgraded my Mechanical Squirrel when I got a mechanical stone from a pet daily, and my Garden Frog the day after, because I got an aquatic stone from the next day's dailies. I got really lucky with that.

Fun Fact: When the Wailing Caverns challenge first came out, I recieved the Young Venomfang, the Cavern Moccassin, AND the Everliving Spore in my very first bag. To this day I still wonder whether it was bugged or if I was the luckiest player in that aspect. Another pet I recieved through good luck was the Disgusting Oozeling. One April day in 2013, I had gotten in trouble at school and wasn't supposed to be playing WoW, but I still got on it via my laptop, and killed a few oozes in Un'Goro Crater, one of which dropped my lucky Oozing Bag.

Today, I still use my Mechanical Squirrel in many of my battles, even though over 500 of my pets are level 25 now. I usually pair it with my Anubisath Idol and whatever pet I'm leveling at the moment.

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