My Pet Collection
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Peanutty's Profile

Username: Peanutty  
Character: Pnutbuttery (H)
Realm & Rank: Kil'jaeden-us (#4)
Connected Rank: Kil'jaeden-us (#4)
Pets Collected: 1206/1916
Pets Rated: 0/1943 — Appearance
0/1911 — Battle
Joined: May 04, 2011
Last Online: December 06, 2019
Community: Comments (8)
Forum Posts (1342)
Messaging: Disabled Disabled by Peanutty

Peanutty's Collection:  View Peanutty's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Peanutty:



Wild caught pets as of 8.0.1 pre-expansion:  100% complete!  All known unique skins and sizes covered (see below), all rare, all max level.


Non-wild/vendor pets as of 8.0.1 pre-expansion: All pets in collection are rare and max level, minus the non-combat ones. 


I'm also a mount collector!  My collection at Warcraft Mounts, now at 500+ mounts.


All currently known wild pets that require duplicates to cover unique skins/colors:

- Desert Spider (2 unique skins)

- Elder Python (2)

- Icespine Hatchling (2)

- Parrot (3)

- Scarab Hatchling (2)

- Sumprush Rodent (2)

- Thicket Skitterer (2)

- Tundra Penguin (2)

* Swamp Croaker (2) - Benax has the "blue with yellow belly" skin but is larger in size


All currently known wild pets that come in different sizes:

- Desert Spider (2 different sizes)

- Frostfur Rat (2)

- Golden Civet Kitten (2)

- Leopard Tree Frog (2)

- Parched Lizard (2)

- Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling (3)

- Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog (2)




Here's just a few of my successful trades - feel free to browse through my forum posts for my full trade history.  I haven't had a bad trade yet (thanks to all the wonderful members here!) and look forward to doing more in the future!


Pet trades:

- Capt Nibs & Leatherwing Screecher for Thunderscale Whelp & Rotting Ghoul

- Craghoof Kid for Snapper & Sunscale Hatchling

- Albino Buzzard for Viscous Horror, gold

- RWL IV pets for other RWL IV pets

- Corrupted Nest Guard for Seaborne Spore, Savage Cub

- Gilnean Raven for Landro's Lil XT

- Dragon Kite & gold for Viscous Horror

- Darkmoon Rabbit for assorted pets


Stone trades:

- multiple trades, stones for assorted pets

- stones for game time

- stones for Landro's Lil XT

- stones for assorted pets

- stones for Porcupette

- stones for Gusting Grimoire

- stones for other stones

- more stones for other stones


Blizz store, code, misc trades:

- gold for Baby Winston code

- gold for Lil' Deathwing code

- Darkmoon Rabbit & Tuskarr Kite for bnet balance

- Hippogryph Hatchling & gold for bnet balance

- gold for CM carry

- multiple trades, gold for bnet balance

- stones for gifted Iron Skyreaver

- Rocket Chicken for Murkalot code

- pets & gold for Windrider Cub code

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