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Holypriestess' Profile

Username: Holypriestess Top Rater  
Character: Gerox (H)
Realm & Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#11)
Connected Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#32)
Pets Collected: 1016/1490
Pets Rated: 253/1943 — Appearance
0/1911 — Battle
Joined: January 25, 2015
Last Online: September 24, 2024
Community: Comments (4)
Forum Posts (0)
Messaging: Disabled Disabled by Holypriestess

Holypriestess' Collection:  View Holypriestess' Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Holypriestess:

Back to WoW for The War Within on a Rogue this time around for a change. Skipped on Dragonflight, but playing some of it retroactively before going into the new expa.


Extremely overwhelmed with some wild pet battles being in maps that require story progression. Especially in past expansions late zones like the Maw since I rerolled my main.


IRL: female, 32, Finland


Pets Collected:

1014 + (300+ on my old account, had to start over)


My boyfriend got into collecting too, but he might not refresh his account often


Best Ranking: Lightbringer EU #9 (active/both sides)

back when I played on the server


To Do List: 

 ¤ ROLAND the rat!

¤ Shyfly

¤ The newest Shadowlands Safari achievement.

¤ Pets of Dragonflight and after, The War Within

¤  The Emerald Dream pets if possible for their Safari achievement too.

¤ Upgrade Uncommons to Rares slowly.


Pet Collecting Style: All pets Uncommon rarity or higher. A combination of farming them myself, capturing via pet battles, buying them off AH & my brother and my fiance gifting me some <3 I pretty much only enjoy capturing via Pet Battles these days. I easily exlude "too hard to get" pets, because WoW isn't my main game. I have a guild to lead in FFXIV. I've played WoW on and off since late BC. I played the most active during WOTLK, Legion and BFA. I often have a long hiatus from WoW coming back for the new expansions.


Favorite Pet Family: Critters: Rats and Mice, because I have had pet rats IRL (all together I´ve had 14, 7 was the most I´ve had at the same time, discounting a litter because I only kept 1 pinkie)


I have a rare quality collection of rat and moth models~ Sadly missed out on Sarge's pet, I have the mount at least.


Some Of My Favorite Pets: [Giant Sewer Rat] , [Ghastly Rat] , [Leper Rat] , [Void-Scarred Rat] & [Tricorne] +every rat model ingame pretty much xD


Favorite Pet Skill: [Stampedebecause all the rats.


Mounts collected: 121  (50+ on my old account had to start over)

I dont like mount collecting as much as pets.

link to my Warcraft Mounts profile:


Favorite Mount: [Ratstallion] are you sensing a theme yet?

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