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Chetok's Profile

Username: Chetok  
Character: Hotsnax (H)
Realm & Rank: Illidan-us (#64)
Connected Rank: Illidan-us (#64)
Pets Collected: 897/1865
Pets Rated: 0/1865 — Appearance
0/1832 — Battle
Joined: September 26, 2008
Last Online: August 27, 2024
Community: Comments (2)
Forum Posts (9)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Chetok

Chetok Says: 

My Diablo3 Collector's Edition is already reserved! Fetish Shaman looks amazing, can't wait :)

After 11 straight hours of farming and 1,448 foxes killed, I got my Fox Kit. :D Never farming again. Until the next big farming pet comes out.
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at 10:59am

Chetok's Collection:  View Chetok's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  11.6%
CommonCommon  8.8%
UncommonUncommon  29.8%
RareRare  49.8%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Chetok:

Farmed Pets Notes


Magical Crawdad~400 catches, 1st wish!


Kirin Tor Familiar: I have nothing to say except: FINALLY.


Phoenix Hatchling. The hatchling never dropped for me in all the runs I did at 70 :( Last night I just couldn't handle camping the Higher Learning books anymore, so I grabbed my pocket DK and settled in to do however many runs it was going to take to get this little guy to drop.. and he dropped on our first Kael kill!


Giant Sewer Rat! This took me approximately 1100 casts, leveled my fishing from 375 to 450, and earned my 2000 fish achievement. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


Fox Kit: I farmed this pet in one 11 hour sitting. After 1,448 foxes killed, he was mine. I was going to stop for the night at 1500. :p


Searing Scorchling: 14 bags


Strand Crawler: 49 dailies, got it from the Dalaran daily.


Hyacinth Macaw: I think for being the rarest pet in the game (droprate-wise) this pet is just awful. The birds are my least favorite of all and this one doesn't even look special. Farmed for 13,000g from the AH (patch 4.2).


Pebble: 7/7/11 - 11/16/11



In The Works


Crawling Claw: 57 Tol'vir projects / 3 rares

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