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Callena's Profile

Username: Callena  
Character: Callenna (A)
Realm & Rank: Ravencrest-eu (#12)
Connected Rank: Ravencrest-eu (#12)
Pets Collected: 1202/1914
Pets Rated: 4/1943 — Appearance
4/1911 — Battle
Joined: December 28, 2012
Last Online: December 03, 2020
Community: Comments (18)
Forum Posts (77)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Callena

Callena Says: 



Newest Pet: Stoneclaw


Still levelling DK for class pets


So far...

- RWL6: 2/11

- Warfront: Arathi 8/9, Darkshore 5/8

- Island Expeditions: 36/38 

- Pet Store: 13/19

- Pet Charms: 3955/5100 for the pets!

- Gnomeregan 2/4

- Supplies: 4/4

- Toys: 318/400 for Brutus

- Archeo: 1/2 BFA

- PVP battles 25/250 !

- Legion Fishing Rep: all needed!

- PVP Honor pet - current lvl 15

- Family Brawler 1/10

- Family Fighter - 0/10

- Family Battler - 6/10

- HOTS for Graves - lvl 10/20

- Dubloons pets - 1/2

- Service Medal pets - 1/2

- Level alts for class pets - done shammy, druid, monk & DH! DK 101 & Rogue 1 :(

- Levelling pets to 25 - 180 unique to do atm


No Horde versions yet!

Posted Apr 1, 2019 at 4:25am

Callena's Collection:  View Callena's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Callena:

Old school wow player here - been playing my druid since wow launched, rarely level alts (although legion made me level more to get the class pets!). 


Been with my guild Gladius Dei since Burning Crusade when my guild at the time started joint raiding with them to do the 25man raids.  I moved to their guild at the start of wrath when the guild imploded.


I'm a (non hardcore) raider who enjoys collecting pets & working on random achievements :)


The pet I summon the most is the cinder kitty, one day majordomo staghelm in Firelands will give me the fire cat toy so I can once again run around with my pet :D


Joined warcraft pets some years ago to keep track of my collection and work out what pets I missed - and to trade pets with fellow collectors!


Currently working towards getting 1000 pets, not far to go now!

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