Arji's Profile
Username: | Arji | |
Character: | Arji (H) | |
Realm & Rank: | Lothar-eu (#1) | |
Connected Rank: | Lothar-eu (#3) | |
Pets Collected: | 1676/1874 | |
Pets Rated: |
0/1895 — Appearance 0/1863 — Battle |
Joined: | October 16, 2008 | |
Last Online: | 2 days ago | |
Community: |
Comments (9) Forum Posts (85) |
Messaging: | Contact Arji |
Arji Says:
Being a Mom of two I don't get to play as much anymore as I did a few years back.
So these days I mostly focus on not missing any pets that are only awailable for a short amount of time and sadly mostly play solo questing a little here and there.
^_^ Arji
Neverending Thanks to Breanni and the Staff at for all your ongoing work!
Arji's Collection: View Arji's Pets
Pet Score 13076 |
1676 Unique Pets |
1508 Pets at Max Level* |
383 Duplicates |
23.5 Average Pet Level* |
1 Poor 0.1% |
6 Common 0.4% |
15 Uncommon 0.9% |
1654 Rare 98.7% |
0 Epic 0.0% |
0 Legendary 0.0% |
Lothar-eu #1 Realm & Rank |
#2299 Site Rank |
About Arji:
Suche immer Leute auf Europäischen Servern zum Tauschen oder Be-Quatschen von Pets! Melde dich doch inGame oder hier.
I started WoW in 2005 on EU-Server "Lothar" Horde.
Pre-BC I raided as an Undead Deff-Tank Ony/MC/BWL.
Took a break for most of 2008.
Came back around Fall 2009 and finally got my first char to 70:
Arji, Undead Warrior, Lothar-EU.
With WotLK I changed my main char to a BE Paladin and my Dedication from Tanking to Healing. Healed with my BE Pala all the way through ICC. (But it was the Warri who finally got to be a Kingslayer.)
When Cata hit, I rushed my Warri to 85. Lost motivation after the big Guild changes. Took a break for most of 2011.
Back in December 2011. Did all the missed Cata-Quests, and restartet hunting for Achievments and some of the missed Pets.
With MoP I went crazy running after all the new pets to collect. Mainly on my Undead Warri (Fury now). I was not really happy with the new CRZ installation. But eventually got lucky and caught the ultra rares at a server-restart.
[May 2013] Newly introduced Battle-Tag got me to enjoy the upsides of Cross-Realm-Friendships. I was very impressed by Around that time joined the Warcraftpets Guild on Silvermoon EU: Arjicora and anything that stars with Arji in the Guild.
[Summer 2014] Our son was born and I didn't have much time to play. Lost my PetCollector#1 Position on Lothar EU.
[2015/2016] Played on and off mostly in the evenings when our Little Man was asleep. Got my #1 Position on Lothar back and searched some new Pet Collector Contacts.
[2017] Had to roll up my sleeves to keep my #1 Realm Position. Fall 2017 my GPU decided to fry shortly before Junior#2's due date so I went on Pet Collecting Baby-Break early not done with RwL.
[Oct 2017] Son#2 arrived. Not much online time. Rank dropped to #4 in December *meh*
[2018+19] Gametime in the evenigns when both boys sleep.
[2020] Corona! Been on gamebreak mostly (February until now)
Given the timeframe and casual playstile I mostly end up playing alone collecting missing pets and nessesary dailies.
Y'all have fun!
^_^ Arji
Murkimus 2009: Enjoyed my matches with Lazul and Maloghurst from UK -------------------------------------------------