Zythehealer's Comments
(4) comments by Zythehealer

Comments by Date (4)
Caught mine last night at the small lake just north of Niuzao Temple. I stood on one of the rocks in the middle of the water to avoid the mobs that pat around. Open water, 50ish casts using Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Weather Beaten Fishing Hat and Pandaren Fishing Charm.
Caught mine while standing at Fish Fellreed's dock in VotFW. Open water, exactly 27 casts using Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat and Pandaren Fishing Charm. I had tried for hours next to Ben of the Booming Voice so I was really happy when I got lucky at Fish's place!
Caught mine at the southern lake closest to the Shrine of the Seven Stars. Open water, 200ish casts using Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat and Pandaren Fishing Charm.
I was really hoping this would be the purple bunny with blue spots like Lindsay has :(