Zyden's Comments
(5) comments by Zyden

Comments by Date (5)
Found mine with a targetting macro while riding around 45.42, 61.83
I was flying around randomly and spamming a targeting macro.
Howling Ford 71. 91, 43.39
slightly SE of Baleheim for those without coords.
Was just before the server reset. (Silverhand)
Goodluck luvlies!
I used a flawless magic stone on this little guy and have yet to be dissappointed. His type has natural immunities to Aquatic types yet he is one of the only Magic pets I have found that have not one but several strong Flying type abilities which do +Dmg to Aquatics.
Now I use him as my go to for any team with an Aquatic in it. Having one so strong usually allows me to power lvl a truly noobish pet within my team.
WTB a Flying mecho dragon..... Blizz are you listening?
Located at 69.98, 38.71 with targeting macro. Numerous coords posted and added daily on wowhead Goodluck!