Zweeko's Comments
(7) comments by Zweeko

Comments by Date (7)
A lot of fun earning this. Multiple waves of spiders, bees, bosses and bears. I was wondering for awhile if would ever end!
End up with a bee presenting a small hive which drops this Monarch Butterfly.
This was one of the first pets I collected for appearances only in 2012. S/S has proved very effective in World Pet Battles against some very tanky opposition. Squawk and Flock dominates big hitters, combine it with a lightning storm.
Second only to an Emperor Crab as one of my go to battle pets.
Thought this once Trading Card Game only pet would be unobtanium as the Scourgewar unscratched cards are retailing anywhere up to USD$325.
July 2023 Trading Post delivers! Yes it's the same as the TCG.
A real slogger. A P/P, even at half health (if you can't be bothered reviving)....can take on an entire wild team, have a couple of trap misses and end up with even more health at the end of the battle. Mine has caught close to 100% of my wild battle pets since Pandaria.
Also a good starter for the ocasional World Quest and Garrison battle.
A P/P with Ice Tomb- Frost Nova - Ice Lance combo is devastating. Nukes, Roots and stuns the oppositions preventing swap outs. The Ice Lance hits a 150% extra when stunned.
I'm having fun with a team of three of these in PVE.
Amazing battle pet with big burst Stun Seed 600+ and decent lash attacks (1-3 x 150) & heals for 100 for 5 turns at level 25. I call it the pally of battle pets.
Well worth the Firelands quests and the 1500 gold.
Looks good and battles hard. Absolutely WRECKS dragon teams with a Bubble, Call Darkness and Punch.