Zoologist's Comments
(8) comments by Zoologist

Comments by Date (8)
Perfect location as one is usually spawned next to the daily Pet Master at the back of Kara. Very easy battle. Plain look but being a MAGE how could I not get a rare of the Arcane Eye.
Being a mage I just ported to Dalaran and had a quick 3 min flight to check the weather. Today it was actually 'snowing'. These pets were all over the zone but only with the snowing condition. I had to battle about 20 till I scored my rare. Very nice to have finally.
I tried using the friends method but I only got grays... so I thought to try the catacombs. Stood on the step and AOE'ed the first 3 gouls. then I grabbed the first D.Maggot which was rare. I tried 2 others which were uncommon (logged out and left for others). This seemed to be a better spot than hoping a 'friend' would be a D.Maggot if you want better quality.
Great colours and perfect for nostelgia. Quite powerful for a battle pet. a MUST HAVE.
Not what expected in model considering who it drops off.... but its a good pet for coordinating with outfits. dropped on 2nd run of MC.
Slayed the infernals and any rats I saw for fun and to pass the time.
1 minfernal popped right next to me. 11.08am Tuesday. Frostmourne US.
battled with heart thumping...
caught. (Common).
I don't care its only common... thrilled to HAVE ONE. Camped for about 3 weeks off and on (set heathstone to closest inn in Felwood).
I found one with 2 adults right at the very south of 'southern barrens'. Right upagainst the thorns. I had tried slaying as many wild animals as I could try and make them spawn which didn't seem to work. I then flew a circle where all the giraffes were seen. Took a week of searching to find 1 and thankfully it was a 'rare'. It is my most favourite display pet because it wasn't easy to get.
I brought mine from AH. I honestly can make 30k much faster than have a chance of putting a raid together and winning the roll. I wish more than 1 would drop but it is what it is.
I named mine 'Super Villain" and love it. Totally worth it. Love the blood around the mouth detail.