Zod711's Comments
(2) comments by Zod711

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
congrats on ur success and ty for all the work!
Posted: April 06, 2017 8:57:59 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
Comments by Date (2)
congrats on ur success and ty for all the work!
Park toons at the three locations if you have them.
Use the group finder to join a group off your server.
Do event
Drop Group
Do event at ur home
Group Finder check for a late spawning portal.
This should get you at least 3 bites of the apple each hour, sometimes 4.
I have found Valdraken to be the most efficient.
Mount was my first drop
A few were just green cards
Sarge came about the 15th event.
Happy rat hunting!