Ziv's Comments
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Comments by Date (3)
I've been fishing at mostly Fields of Niuzao(4 to 5k fish) from pools when it was the fish of the day as well as open waters. Also Lake of Stars schools & open waters, even Kun Lai's Sha Touched waters & NOTHING to show for it but fish fish & more fish... I take that back, I managed to get a second blue carp that I had to delete. :(
I was able to get the blue/green/white pretty fast (within an hour or two) This one takes the cake. If & when I do get it, I'm naming it The Devil.
1 hour 10 minutes, dozens of rats, humans & arcane ramnents later: no libram. Even managed to kill the rare drake twice. This is really ridiculous.
Edit: Took abreak to relist some auctions, logged back over, got me a libram finally AND it was a rare. I guess it is all about patience.
Not sure where this *bug* was mentioned or who mentioned it, however it took exactly one week for me to get all 4 pets, Seaborne Spore to be the last in the collection, not the first few hours of the patch. As a matter of fact, patch day was on a Tuesday, I didn't get a Nightmare Bell (my first pet) until Friday or Saturday, the Seaborne Spore on the following Tuesday.