Zigzzagz's Comments
(5) comments by Zigzzagz

Comments by Date (5)
I can not understand why his battle rating is so low. This guy smashes, especially when paired with a pet that causes bleeding like a squirrel. One of my favorite beesties to team up with. I put him at a solid 3.50 - 3.75.
I'm so annoyed at myself. I was on a good run of looting and had full bags when I picked up a very good weapon and had to dump something to open up a slot. There is a very similar button panel from a garrison quest. I thought I was throwing that out but realised later that I had chucked my little bling instead. I should never have waited to use it. Drat!
These are actually a pretty good addition to the team. Looks not too bad either. I like the groovy gnarled beak.
This pet is just crazy good. I was fighting some mad beastie that was level 22 with my level 14 Anub. and the first pet got me down to about half health but by the time I had finished him off and the other 2 pets as well I was back up to within 100 points of full health again. Go figure.
Huh, so that's where this little guy came from. I was a bit overwhelmed running around in there solo, mainly just trying to keep my head stuck to my neck so I didn't notice getting him. Cute lil pup though, let's see how he can scrap.