Ziaom's Comments
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Comments by Date (11)
Flew into the The Noxious Lair around 7:15 server time happy to see a sandstorm! After about 30 minutes of finding dozens of poors and one uncommon, I finally got my rare! I just kept killing them if they weren't rares. They were respawning very quickly. This was my first time attempting to catch a rare, but I can imagine it would be fairly easy if you're lucky enought to get there at the start of the sandstorm. Happy hunting!
I had bought this pet and have only leveled it to 3 so when I saw a level 14 as a secondary while looking for a rare Twilight Iguana I was very excited only to discover that it is not capturable. Looks like you must buy this pet if you want it.
While flying over Southern Barrens I saw quite a few of these guys. Around 9:15 am server time in these locations - just west of Fort Triumph 2 of them following 2 big giraffes, just east of Vendetta Point, and by the little tents on the map of Forward Command, 2 north of Bael Modan following 2 big giraffes. First one I had was an uncommon that I killed on accident. Then saw 5 poors and finally another uncommon that I'm happy with for now. Happy hunting!
Pretty sure I got super lucky with this one. Today was only my second time checking for this pet. I flew over and saw one! It was an uncommon but I'll take it based on comments here about how difficult these are to find. Looked for others, but there weren't any. It was 8:45 am server time. Good luck to everybody!
Took me about 2 months of collecting seeds from my garrison level 3 herb garden almost every day. This guy is adorable! You could probably get this a lot faster with herbalism but I didn't think this was that painful. Good luck :)
First off, Pickles reccommendation about Okril'lon Hold is spot on. The Ironmarch mobs respawn quickly and there are a bunch of them in a small area so they are easy to pull and kill. I finally got this little guy today after 2153 kills and approximately 3 hours of farming.
After fighting these guys for about an hour and finding nothing but poors and commons, I finally came accross the one stuck in the rock. I had never known how to fight these stuck buggers until reading Anaxhema's comment. I started the battle - and what do you know! A rare! Thanks a bunch for the tip! Happy hunting everyone!
I've had my alt parked on the island for weeks now, checking back every now and then for rain. Today I decided to try what somebody else recommended and turn up the volume all the way and do some chores while I waited. I was thrilled to hear rain from the other room and came rushing in to see little green paw prints all over my map. First one was a poor, but I caught it for the achievement. Saw 3 more uncommons and a ton of poors. Kept an uncommon :) Happy hunting!
Got this guy today after 221 kills (reset the instance 9 times). Took about 45 minutes. So adorable!
Let me start off by saying the Darktide Boneshells and Husks that drop this are WEST of Socrethar's Rise along the coastline. Not east like stated. Saw somebody in trade chat selling this and checked here, saw it was a relatively easy drop and then spent 30 minutes looking in the opposite direction for the mobs. Got two of them in approximately 20 minutes of farming. The mobs respawn quickly and are easy to kill.
Today was my first time searching for this pet and I got really lucky! I found a poor in Zul'Drak, right below Gundrak inbetween the two buildings where the green dot is pictured here on Warcraftpets. Yes it's a poor, but that's what battle stones are for :) Good luck!
UPDATE: My POOR has helped me kick butt in several of the Garrison daily pet battles. This is indeed an awesome pet. Finally got enough to stone her today :D