Zedon's Comments
(2) comments by Zedon

Comments by Date (2)
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Possibly my most used battle pet due to her versatility (P/B breed). Siphon Life + Humanoid Passive + Haunting Song gives her a lot of sustain in PvE situations. If you're leveling pets, that AoE heal will keep them at full health. For PvP I switch to Agony and Curse of Doom, then swap in a tankier pet once she's put in her damage, and wait for the big burst.
Don't touch what you can't afford
Posted: March 25, 2019 9:42:41 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
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As a double-counter, Dream Whelpling (P/P) obliterates flying pets. Emerald Bite+Emerald Presence+Healing Flame is my go-to setup. Predicting when you're going to take a big hit so you can counter with Healing Flame improves its already decent value. And with 341 Power, Emerald Presence provides incredible survivability vs any multi-hit or dot opponent. The Passive can continually proc each time you land a non-passive-boosted hit on a target below 50% - use this to maximize damage.