Xota's Comments
(5) comments by Xota

Comments by Date (5)
During the quest chain to raise this bug from egg to mount, you get this minipet partway through. But before that its in a larval stage, and if you want to run around with your larval Spike/Reginald/Bitey McStabface/Shath'yar(Fluffy) as your companion, Rotbreath and Bile Larva have look-a-like skins.
When the human skeleton model was changed for BfA, this pet got changed indirectly. So blizzard didn't check to see if all its hat and shorts were still connected correctly. They weren't. And there's been two Days of the Dead since then, and no fix. It used to be a lot of fun. Keep sending bug reports about it to blizzard, and maybe they'll revert it.
I got one today (8.1.5), for everyone wondering if it still drops.
Howlbomb was a gimmick that trivialized quite a few fights. And while it was fun while it lasted, they couldn't not nerf it. Us players should be the ones who have to come up with new strats to defeat enemies, instead howlbomb being the "boss ability" that the developers would have to counter in each fight.
While geyser can still be useful in combos, because of its delay and its stun. PWS is the weakest hitting geyser pet, but it's a lot less fragile than others.
I don't think it comes with the eyepatch. When you cycle through all the looks it can have in game, it's just the two-eyed model each time.