Xerustes' Comments
(2) comments by Xerustes

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Kun-Lai Runt
This guy sure became the heavy hitter for my team... At level 25 rare, the combination of the Frost Shock, Deep Freeze and Takedown attacks, he can really inflict some damage. Not only that, but when facing master battle pet tamers, I can Frost Shock, slowing the pet, then Deep Freeze, stunning it. Then, I know the NPCs will switch pets, so I just Frost Shock again, slowing the next pet that comes down, basically trapping them in a loop, keeping my pet with the fastest stat. Absolutely love it!
Posted: July 19, 2015 7:27:20 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
1-2 of 2
I named my Iron StarletteĀ Ragnarok, and for good reason. Any pet, ESPECIALLY Beast pets (when not classified as elite or otherwise unable to take more than a certain amount of damage per attack, such as Magic pets) can almost always be killed instantly with the Windup/Supercharge/Windup combo. This little devil quickly became an integral part of my pet arsenal for his sheer destructive power, and remains to be one of my favorite pets to use.