Xero's Comments
(3) comments by Xero

Comments by Date (3)
I have 3 of these now. My favorite pet that bites like hell and can renew to full health usually. Great for leveling 2 pets in shadowmoon in draenor with this as the third killer—sometimes it one-shots royal moths.
Contrary to what people say this has nothing to do with killing whelps. I tried numerous ways. Just fly through here and there and you will see one, two, or 3 have spawned. Go when few players are there. I've seen them more when it's late or early. It's worth it.
Been playing for a few months but like the battlepets. This one I wanted for its abilities against humanoids. I circled icecrown on 3 occassions with no sign. This morning I circled Icecrown, then Storm Peaks, and then went to Zul'drak, found one near Gundrak. Appears to be a B/B uncommon.
Haven't tried her yet but on my way to garrison to upgrade her to rare quality. Wasn't much fuss. I find the best times for rares are very early in the morning or middle of the night.
This was the pet that made me get into battling, and I got him accidentally, first try, by kililng rares. With his sandstorm ability I was able to start leveling pets through lower level areas much easier and start beating the trainers with only a handful of pets at my disposal.
Does heavy damage against mechanical and good against many other types, and is my go-to against the tonk at darkmoon faire until I have something better. If you can handle the rares in panda land, grab this one.