Xariah's Comments
(6) comments by Xariah

Comments by Date (6)
These are definitely more common now since 7.0 was implented. I have been looking for this pet for years. I have never "camped" it because I can't dedicate that kind of time, but I fly over the waypoints while waiting in queues. Today I saw 3 within 20 minutes. Imagine my shock as I've never seen a single one EVER, much less 3! Get out there and get it! :)
UPDATE: I've seen 5 now in under an hour! Lots of people out looking for rares now. Be kind to your fellow collectors and stone it!
I'm curious if anyone has any tips on how to snag a rare one of these. I rarely see a battle pet version up and killing all the non-battle critters doesn't seem to do much.
Either my luck is terrible, or attempting to "camp" these on top of the mountains is pointless. They respawn every 20 minutes and after over an hour of respawns, there were no battle pets at all. Just regular critters. I gave up and went down to battle the rat that was mentioned in an earlier comment. He respawns every 3-4 minutes and I saw two rare skywisp moths in about 6 hours. Others seem to have caught on to this as several people came along to compete for the fastest clicker!
Got an uncommon today. When I arrived there was easily 20-30 up. Shortly after I found my uncommon (4 or 5 battles, including a rare cockroach) I was content to leave the rest, and saw someone else swoop in and quickly go from spawn to spawn. Figured if he was going to wipe them all out anyway, I'd try a few more for a rare. Didn't get my rare and have been waiting almost an hour for respawn and nothing, so the posts about instant respawn since 5.2 are sadly untrue.
If anyone has an extra of this little guy, I'd be happy to trade. I have Snarly, Chuck, and Toothy I'd love to trade one of them for Muckbreath! I'll make a toon on your server to make the trade. Send a msg if interested! Thanks and happy collecting! :)
I received a common as well. Glad I saved up some stones from garrison dailies!