Wurdipus' Comments
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Ahh, ok...It appeared you could only get one or the other appearance. even if the pet you get from the cage doesnt have the wreath in your pet journal, he will be wearing the wreath if you summon him.
I've never even seen a silver/white one as a critter, let alone a battle pet! ugh! damn you, Blizzard! =P. omg lol...The next two battle pets i saw after posting this were the silver Stonewhisker! hah!
did this 30 times. 24 poor, 4 common, 2 uncommon. never saw a rare =(
managed to get a rare woodbiter piculet out of it though, which i needed! =)
make that 33 times. 2 more poors and....a rare! finally lol!
I don't believe they exist! Or...*if* there is ever a rare frog, it turns some color other than blue when i get within battle range lol! ugh! now it's just a battle of wills...i refuse to use a stone on a level 4 pet i could capture as a rare! =P
117 kills/battles to get my tan/green =P. just worked those two little caves at 76, 27
....if i never have to fight another cobbleshell as long as i live, it will be too soon! and i got a gray....of the wrong breed lol. im so done though. I'll take it!
Love all the helpful comments! didn't really seem to need the macro once i was in the area...they are all over the place and there are lots of critters to help creep toward 50k critter kills lol. I killed them all for about 10 min, then had to go to bed. made sure they were all dead before I logged. when I logged back in there was one right in front of me! =). I have seen 3, always grey. oh...and he was my 1200th unique pet, so yay! =P
RNG hates me lol. Having so much trouble finding a rare would not be nearly as annoying if these things did not take hours to respawn after you battle them all.
Hi. I am wondering if anyone has seen a P/S of this one. I have battled a ton of them and have yet to see that breed in any rarity...
Aaaaan 3 tries later I get an uncommon P/S =P
bout to use a stone on this guy. battled soooo many but no rare =(. broken isles rare BP are indeed rare lol.
I'd have to the coast and islands near Jandvik in Suramar are the best place to hunt these. they seem to always spawn BP versions of Sandpipers....that being said, be prepared to look for a while if you want a rare of this. been here for hours and killed about 70 of them so far. no rare yet.
snowing in storm peaks right now on Frostwolf. 8/31/21 6:12 pacific time.
YAY! *finally* got mine! Took about 20 tries to get a rare. whew!
Thanks for that post! Great info. One thing though. the wild pets you can get after doing that quest line are only the Voidskimmer, Golden Chirper and Voidglower. The ones from pandaria. I have not completed the quest line yet and I ahve the Void-Scarred Locust and the Oasis Void Duster.
It also appears you do not have to complete the entire line. The first time I went to Pandaria to meet Magni, the zone had already transformed to the "new" mode and I was able to get the pets
I have yet to see one even spawn as a capturable or non-capturable critter. I still only see erudite manafiends even after 8pm server time. its 9:20pm server time right now and only erudites keep spawning =(
[UPDATE] 8-27-2021
I don't know if there is a random element to when they start spawning, but last night at 9:30pm server time all the Erudite Manafiends despawned and about 2 min later Eldritch Manafiends started showing up. I finally got one! =)
as other commentors have stated. very low drop rate. wowhead has it listed at 4% but I dont think its even that high. I have killed the Caverndark Terror at least 50 times and have yet to see the pet drop. There is one on AH on my server but...94k. I don't think so =D
ack! I had one! near the temple area. 77, 38 or so. even checked the move I was about to use and thought "ok, even if I crit, I still wont kill it" ...my pet did the most insane double damage crit...and killed it lol! ugh! back to searching...
Found a rare H/H as a primary at 70.51, 56.31 on the road, just at the NW edge of The Outflow area while i was hunting for scrapyard tunnelers =D. lucky day. =P. think I would prefer the H/P, but I will take the rare =)
*can* be found as primary in highmountain, around 52, 34. got my rare there as a primary
These can spawn as primary only I believe. looks like you do have to battle or kill other pets and critters in the area to get them to spawn. be careful to kill it if you get a rare! they are indeed rare lol.
really hope they do give players who didnt happen to be playing or online during this event a way to get this pet. I hate this pet so much right now. a complete slap in the face to anyone who spent the time and effort to get Baa'l. right now I feel very much angst toward Blizz...oh well...sigh lol.../rant off.