Wreathy's Comments
(14) comments by Wreathy

Comments by Date (14)
He is so cute, and shiny, and large! I followed XuFu's pet guide for the challenge mode - I had all the pets listed in the guide so pretty straightforward. If you don't have all the pets, you may need to put in a little groundwork first for a smooth run through.
Got this today. My tactic: Small area with 6 Inquisitors outside, then into small cave 'Halls of Eclipse' which has 4. (29,84). There's a few additional mobs, but not many.
Kill the mobs, then join a raid such as 'drowned mana' or 'marcross' fishing raid, to realm hop. Endless cycle of 10 inquisitors. Had mine in roughly 2 hours.
Easiest and fastest way to get pet: join a raid group through customer premade group finder so the Marks of Aquaos show up on a regular basis. (When cast back into the lake it summons an elemental that turns the lake into sparkly mana water - guaranteed drop of drowned mana). I also did this while the darkmoon faire was going, and obtained top hats from the souvenir vendor for a 10% increase in rep for 1 hour.
The whole thing probably took about 4 hours.
I hadn't even heard of this little guy (I like surprises, so I don't know about all the pets yet) and just saw it sitting there, waiting to be captured. I leaped in with my Teroclaw hatchling and two level 19 levelling pets. It was Fighty Time in the Underbelly - a rogue sapped me, then left me alone, fortunately. Poor quality, went straight to Lio and used a stone to rare.
Got mine today - first harvest as well! I've had about three soil plantings so far, but I have absolutely no idea of the drop rate - everything I've read said it has a 'chance' to drop. I'm not sure if that means the pet has a chance to drop from Evergreen, or if the soil has a chance to grow Evergreen. At any rate, she's a cute little plant...
Playing with husband and friend tonight, get bonkers on 4th key. Friend smugly says 'I have three'. Husband jealous because of 4th key scenario. I have a feeling 4th key is significantly lucky...so, it's possible!
Well this is embarrassing....I've come back to WoW after a break away and I was just putzing around Spires and saw this little guy. 'Oh, I don't have that yet' and away I went. Had no idea....it was late at night server time as I'm not in the US, so that might have had something to do with it.
Finally, my parked alt awoke to sand blowing in his face. Found a rare after about half an hour of desperate hunting. As this lower level alt had no bandages, to avoid the 10% health penalty for fleeing, I'd use my Azure Whelplings 'Surge of Power' to kill the secondary pet in one hit so I could get back to hunting that rare down asap.
Definitely go for the secondary pet method - 5 spirit crabs (including a rare) and voila...
Flew over at about 7am server time, around 15 there - second one was rare. Looks like they can show up in large clumps.
Same story - heart-shaped lake, just one there, uncommon. First time looking, so yay!
Same thing as Soitseams: Level 1 rare outside of the Shrine. Used the terrible turnip - fastest rare catch yet.
10-15 minutes, by the teleportation gnome. :)
The bug is still alive and well as of today - three of us arrived with enhanced Uuna's. Nothing worked (reloading, leaving zone etc) so I went to SW and switched to warmode.
Upon returning it worked as intended - Uuna said the things, waved the wand and Baa'l shrunk.
Hope it helps if you're experiencing the bug.