Wowbellaangel's Comments
(6) comments by Wowbellaangel

Comments by Date (6)
FINALLY got the little bugger! I caught a poor SS, then ran around looking at all the rest to see if I could find a rare.. no luck. I did catch and keep a rare SB I figured what the heck he's a cutie!
I found 3 rares in a row.. my guess is they are all rares?
I got several as well, don't know if this was intentional that you can keep getting them or not. But if it is.. this will be another "left shark" LOL But cute :P
Was in a Nalak group and saw this little guy around the corner, first one, rare! Awesome!
I had always wanted one of these as a hunter pet... so I went over there to get one as a companion. Got a rare on my third one and named her Glimmer... until I found the battle master there.. and her's was named Glimmer o.O
These don't "look" like my cockatoo persay... but somehow they remind me soooo much of her... pick eater, looks like they may bite you at any given second....