Woundwort's Comments
(8) comments by Woundwort

Comments by Date (8)
Gave up farming this pet long ago as well as the bug mount. After introducing the new method of buying tol'vir fragments from solved Pandaria items I've finally had it appear in my log :) now if only the bug mount would appear soon :)
ran it on 8x85s last year every day with no luck, did same for first 2 days this year, still no luck :( saw one on horde AH for 3400g and thought sod it!, time it takes me to run all those alts around I could have earned the gold back :)
Now I'm happy ;)
Having considered the odds and burned out a lot of my grinding patience from the insane grind when it was still very hard (shendralar etc), I decided the 4k buyout on AH was far more attractive. Still watching the prices of Macaw though. Still not quite that frivilous, maybe when I've sold a few more levelled pets to people that don't have the patience to level ;)
Not having had the expansion yet, I've been watching the AH price fall sharply until it reach 450g today. I'd jsut sold several frostweave bags for 240 each so cheap as chips.
Just came across my first one whilst passing through at Engine of Makers. First one was rare!. Found second near K3 as a green but save it til my wife got there so I could Alt-F4 and let her take over
Just captured a L21 rare just north of Amberpine Lodge as secondary to Grizzly Squirrel
Just captured a rare L21 as secondary on Isle of spears in Howling Fjord whilst farming for Worg Pup
Had no luck on solo 10 man weekly farms but this week I decided to try it solo 25-man to pick up an ach I never got around to. Got the ach and pet just to round off the evening :)