Wolor's Comments
(6) comments by Wolor

Comments by Date (6)
I just picked up a rare purple baby raptor, SCORE! Wasn't expecting that, but I quess it only comes in an S/S model.
Just logged on to my alt that was stationed in Tanaris. Looked rather dusty so I checked "The Gaping Chasm" and found xnothing. CHecked "The Noxious Lair" and found several out. Grabbed 2: a uncommon H/H and a rare B/B. I'm a happy camper.
Decided to fly over this morning and look but no luck. Went and did a daily and came back to find a uncommon H/P and I pulled a D'oh. I killed it. Made 3 or 4 passes full length and found another. This one is an uncommon S/S. I happen to have a stone for this one. Score!! Found it at 12:35 Malygos Server time and at 49.82:10.52
Just picked up a Green H/H lvl 23 in Gundrak. I have no complaints with that. Making it rare will be worth it.
Just decided to give this one a try. Checked all outside and couldn't find a thing. Went in the tunnels ad as I was killing everything, there was the paw print. Got me a green one. 4:16 pm Pacific
Just got mine today. What a bummer. Received a "common s/b". What a waist and can't cage it.