Wickedpriest's Comments
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Got Mine! Thank you!
Got mine at /way 57.6 26.2. Thanks!
Just use an UNDERWATER MOUNT... seahorse type, and youll be fine...
I have farmed this guy for weeks, must be ultra low drop rate... I kill him daily and still no pet for me... /sad
they neutered Ikky. Hes me favorite! -sad-
Got me one today as a secondary pet. 2 clicks north of Vol'Mar. I saw a Horny Toad, clicked on him, rare Bloodbeak was the third pet... needless to say, I killed the first two!
unholy hell, how long do I have to sit here and watch nothing happen before a sandstorm comes? What is the frequency? Is there even a set frequency for the storms? I have been leaving my mage there for a month now and log on daily at different times. I even try the pre-made groups utility to realm hop and no one has them... gah!
Got mine today. Started on my BE Mage and couldn't battle it, only leave or kill it, so I switched to my gnomre rogue on the same server and caught him. Makes me wonder if it is actually bound to the alliance side.
I don't see a way to get the last 125 pets without dropping some major $$$$. This makes me so sad. =o(